TV audio

Our living room setup is comprised of a 75" Sony with eARC to KEF Wireless 2s augmented with a pair of KC62 subs. But the internal audio of the Sony TV is so good it rivals the external audio. I may reserve the external audio for Roon and Blue rays. I don’t recall TV audio being as good as it is with our new Sonys. The sound is detailed, the imaging precise, the LF robust.

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I have 2023 75" and 85" Sony XR Bravo TVs, both in rooms with audio setups I don't use, because the audio of the TV is so good.  I reserve the audio setups for Roon and Blue Rays.


My understanding is that much tv or movie video content these days is multichannel and using a 2 channel stereo for sound is not the best approach to be able to properly discern voices and such because the sound is mixed for that format.

So I ended up with a Samsung and I went with a multichannel soundbar designed for the task as an experiment rather than defer to a 2 channel stereo by default. I think was a good choice. It even does a decent job with music but not on par with the 2 channel stereo it shares space with.

This was a midrange Samsung. My understanding is that some new Sonys actually use a technology where the screen surface is used as a speaker essentially and reviews seem to indicate that approach actually works quite well to deliver high quality fuller range sound.

mijostyn, the audio setups I'm not using for TV are a rack of Ayre gear with KEF Ref.1s (85" Sony) and LS50 W2 (75" Sony)