In general, it looks like your system is fairly well balanced. But the streamer / DAC seems likely to be holding the rest of your equipment back a bit. @soix brings up one good possibility.
One of the great things about high end audio, is there is no limit to improvement. Typically I get to a level I am happy with and enjoy until the bug strikes, and then I slowly upgrade to the next level. Sounds like you may be there.
Typically the sequence is speakers, preamp, amp, sources. If you do this… do lots of auditioning before purchase. Invest no less than 2x.
But if I were you, I think you can get lots more out of what you have by upgrading your streamer and DAC to the next level first. This could bring you a good boost and enjoyment before rolling up your sleeves and upgrading the rest. You would enjoy more dynamics, detail, impact. I would recommend looking for a separate streamer and DAC.
To get a feel for what to invest, I would look at the cost of your amps and preamp and plan to spend about 2x what the average cost of those functions. So, if they were around $2K, then look to invest $4K in a DAC… then $4K in a streamer.
This sets you up to later do the speakers… which should be done with lots of research, as changing those will likely change the sound of your system significantly. Lots of auditioning before purchase.