Resolving CD Transports Crowd Sourcing

Hi everyone! A couple of years ago I purchased my endgame CD transport- a Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T. Loved almost everything about the unit--highly resolving presentation, dead quiet background, balanced placement of instruments in a believable 3 dimensional soundstage, and  the synergy it had with my components. In fact I loved the transport so much I had two of them because Pro-Ject quality control and customer service is the pits. After almost a year of hassles, I'm swearing of Pro-Ject.

I'm in the market for a replacement CD transport that has the same qualities of the Pro-Ject minus the quality issues and customer service.

PS Audio, Jay's Audio, CEC, Audio Research (which are CD/DAC units) come up in my search. What are your thoughts? With all the bells and whistles the Pro-Ject was around $3300, so that gives you an idea of my budget, though I could go higher.

Thanks in advance!


@charles1dad It is a pleasure to share a few descriptions from those who post on another forum.

 Especially when a very experienced individual in the area of digital source becomes a convert, as the result of a short exposure to the device in use.

It is also nice to see the description come from a party without any commercial interest in the item being reported on. 

As stated in the past, my ear is to the ground when it comes to CDT's, I am keen to learn where the next move will be from the PWT I am using. 


Great comments on the two paintings--I’m of the school that you can’t see or hear what’s not there. In the case of music, if it is there you want the best resolving equipment to hear it.


Agree about comparisons between the TEAC, RS2T and CD6SE. The review posted by Pindac is so thorough, I’m going to make sure I DON’T read it before listening to transport.

I still have the CD6SE (On loan from a friend). I’m really impressed with the air between and around instruments. Listening to John Coltrane’s solos on "Blue in Green" from Kind of Blue, the CD6SE allows you to hear the resonance/echo as he plays.



I still have the CD6SE (On loan from a friend). I’m really impressed with the air between and around instruments. Listening to John Coltrane’s solos on "Blue in Green" from Kind of Blue, the CD6SE allows you to hear the resonance/echo as he plays.


I enjoy every track on that iconic album. I have to admit however that “Blue In Green “ is my favorite. I just love Adderley’s beautiful alto saxophone solo. Superb musicians all.


I have two dead high end Project CD transports.  Took forever to get a service authorization.  I have yet to send them for repair cause I have moved on.

@jaymark -

Ugh! I feel your pain. Any chance you can get refund/credit for your purchases?