Corner base trap- to the ceiling?

I see lots of corner bass traps installed where they don’t go all the way up to the ceiling. I guess bass sound waves more so accumulate in the lower side of a room, but don’t a lot of these pressure amplitudes reach the upper half? Wouldn’t it be better to have a corner base trap extend all the way up to the ceiling?

Is it possible to have too many bass traps in a room?

Why can't I edit the topic field? Yeah I discovered bass was spelled wrong because I have to dictate everything. I missed seeing the misspelling before I posted and now I can't change the damn field.



I have had bass traps for more than twenty five years. They come in two 3’ sections on a stand. I have always seen them like this. They have two sides (not easily detectable on the outside. Half the cylinder has reflective material under the fabric to partially reflect the midrange and treble while absorbing bass.

You can play a test tone on your system, and take measurements with a db meter on your phone. Map your room and see where the bass is actually collecting. More scientific.

@ditusa Thanks for posting that Acoustic Fields video.  Makes you wonder what else we spend money on that has no real purpose.  Cheers.

I wouldn't place too much faith in Acoustic Fields. He is promoting his own solutions, and flies pretty far from a lot of the accepted acoustics theories with little in the way of real data. Having said that  corners are the most effective place to treat low frequency room modes, but it can take a lot of absorption to address modes below 100 Hz. If possible it is best to identify the modes you need to address, and use a combination of speaker placement, listener position, and room treatment to provide the smoothest possible low frequency response.

I wouldn't place too much faith in Acoustic Fields. He is promoting his own solutions, and flies pretty far from a lot of the accepted acoustics theories with little in the way of real data. Having said that  corners are the most effective place to treat low frequency room modes, but it can take a lot of absorption to address modes below 100 Hz. If possible it is best to identify the modes you need to address, and use a combination of speaker placement, listener position, and room treatment to provide the smoothest possible low frequency response. Multiple (2,3,4) subs can be effective in smoothing out response as well.