Cable management....crossing at right angles or

Good morning,

I have been out of the hobby for a while, and now just getting things back into my system.

No matter how I try, I can't keep my cables isolated from each other, especially speaker and power. Is there anything besides the old saying of trying to cross at right angles, something..copper tape/Faraday sheets that you can put on the cables when they cross to reduce-eliminate interference or distortion/ EMI RFI?





Tony 1954, same situation here. Then when I get them somewhat tidy, I end up back in there replacing cables or components. 

I remember the guy on here who used to swear by hanging wires off the floor with fishing lines tied to the ceiling. And I say that with a straight face. Best advantage out of that system is you can vacuum under the wires. Enjoy!


"I remember the guy on here who used to swear by hanging wires off the floor with fishing lines tied to the ceiling."

I have insider information that this is how Bass Pro Shops got started.

The Mapleshade rooms at audio shows featured their cables suspended from the ceiling. Reminded me of a spider web…

They probably did this as their very thin cables were totally unsheilded, making cross-talk on touching cables almost inevitable. Frankly, I always found the sound in their rooms to be ear-splittingly bright, very unpleasant.