The processes then undertaken to achieve the desired result in this fair endeavor often cause one to be inordinately concerned with minutiae instead of enjoying music (for many, the point of the whole shabang).
Myself too i lived through the same angry frustration and i hated it because it impeded my music enjoyment..
And all my upgrade trials were frustrations because it was never perfect at all...
All changed when with time after my retirement i go head on in acoustics reading , because i was lucky enough to have a room for my system and only for that...
Two years of acoustics experiments became so fun and surprising , it was as if i was able to upgrade my system sometimes each day sometimes each week for 2 years... my hobby was acoustics and other embeddings controls method and tweaks ...
I learned the basic and now i am no more interested in audio gear upgrade but only in listening music... I know how to embed an audio system at any price... And because i reach a minimal satisfaction threshold with this knowledge i enjoy music without frustration at all for the first time in my life... I was an audio ignorant , i am no more so ignorant... Now only music matter through my headphones or through my speakers.. I came here for friends and discussing music and acoustic in a general sense... I am very interested by philosophy of perception through acoustics..