Period press for me. I listen to almost exclusively pre 1980, with a few exceptions up to 1990.
Might sound limiting, but there is an abundance of unheard music in the dirty bins I go through.
The "best sound" seems to be the late 50's thru late 60's with stuff thru the 70's becoming inconsistent. Doesn't really matter since the actual music is what it's about.
After that, it's the quest to play those LP's on "the best" possible setup.
Play a period press and blame your dissatisfaction on the actual recording, setup and room.
Most(not all) reiussue LP's just sound like a good CD.
"David Bowie Scary Monsters" is a 1980's recording-right when things really take a turn for the worse as far as SQ. Same goes for the Ozzy LP. Much more processing going on compared to a Hunky Dory or Paranoid.
Open your wallet and get one of these.
David Bowie – Scary Monsters (1980, Indianapolis Pressing, Vinyl) - Discogs
Ozzy Osbourne – Blizzard Of Ozz (1981, Vinyl) - Discogs
Period press-another polarizing audiophool subject.