i am not nominalist...
Perception is not the capture of a non transformed nor participated reality outside an isolated subjectivity...
We dont perceive the world through a head set...
We "resonate" and "synchronize" with the phenomenon we focus on and we perceive them with some filtering through our specific species evolutive and personnally acquired filters...The fil;ters are not arbitrary either...
Words exist on two levels : conscious and unconscious... Each word exist as a Poetical metaphorical MUSICAL deep grounding on some layer in the body/world relation and history and on a prosaic conscious habit and conditioned surface manifesting level...The iceberg peak... Any meaning is the result and the cause at the same time of this partially unobserved dynamic...
Then when you use a word we condition our mind in some perspectival take on the phenomena but this conditioning is unconscious but never completely arbitrary ...
UNIVERSALLY ALL WORDS are born from a metaphor...Because the prosaic level is completely derived from the basic poetical-musical-metaphorical deepest level...
When Saussure established the belief in the COMPLETE and ABSOLUTE arbitrary of signs by commodity for his analysis he was wrong and his disciples make a dogma of this isolation tool principle ...
But going there and explain it will be too long here...
The choice of words matter...Yes...
When we say a sound is REAL , the only objective meaning come from experimental acoustics and psycho-acoustics ...
Timbre, transients, dynamic, tonality, etc all concepts are scientifically described in controlled acoustic settings as a laboratory ...
But when we dont know these concepts by experience , we used isolated conventional metaphors and we use the words as metaphors to translate our subjective experience with the gear disconnected from acoustics conditions and knowledge in many case...
Then using the word "real" to qualify our system experience has no clear meaning for someone else...This metaphor is then disconnected from the necessary acoustic concepts necessary to assign meaning to it... We say often our system experience is "real" because we are unable to relate our experience with acoustic concept to substantiate it ... It is not false because it is not even wrong ... We must live always on two language levels but we must distinguish them but not negate one at the exclusive profit of the other...Creative non conventional metaphor revived our dead prose but must be inspired by real experience to do so...
Here is my philosophical belief as an aside :
I dont believe philosophically in a world completely separated from consciousness ... I am a Perceian not a Saussurian and i am a disciple of the french linguist Gustave Guillaume whose works even if very different different from Peirce semiotics perspective, anyway as Peirce himself negate an absolute separation between the sign and the meaning, as between the soul and the Body separated in such a way in the Cartesian frame ...
Here what Peirce think :
«Peirce understood nominalism in the broad anti-realist sense usually attributed to William of Ockham, as the view that reality consists exclusively of concrete particulars and that universality and generality have to do only with names and their significations. This view relegates properties, abstract entities, kinds, relations, laws of nature, and so on, to a conceptual existence at most. Peirce believed nominalism (including what he referred to as "the daughters of nominalism": sensationalism, phenomenalism, individualism, and materialism) to be seriously flawed and a great threat to the advancement of science and civilization. His alternative was a nuanced realism that distinguished reality from existence and that could admit general and abstract entities as reals without attributing to them direct (efficient) causal powers. Peirce held that these non-existent reals could influence the course of events by means of final causation (conceived somewhat after Aristotle’s conception),[1]and that to banish them from ontology, as nominalists require, is virtually to eliminate the ground for scientific prediction as well as to underwrite a skeptical ethos unsupportive of moral agency.»
In a word, qualitative experience and subjective experience are not completely arbitrary meaningless isolated experience from a reality itself isolated from consciousness ... Husserl go deeper here after Goethe...And Peirce is philosophically right...It is the greatest American thinker...With Whitehead who is British anyway...