CEC CD Transports on eBay: Are they fake?

I’m looking at one of the dozens of supposedly brand new CEC CD transports on eBay. I hear rumors of many of them being fakes. Does anyone have experience with buying one of these who received a confirmed authentic unit?


I've bought a lot on ebay and have good senses.  they look real or at least made in the same factory, but they are being sold by sellers that don't normally handle high end stereo and don't know how to describe it well or provide the details that would normally be provided.  Looks like a bunch of them were probably sold at a liquidation auction.  

Could possibly be a truckload was stolen but I would call the likelihood low.


I bought my CEC TL1x for $5000 20 years ago. I still have it and it works great still.

They are not fake.  The wires inside from what I remember are easy to swap out to convert the voltage to US although you will not get a warranty with the Japanese units.

@nonoise Thanks! Yes, I was thinking the same on the voltage issue. But then I wonder how much using a transformer would affect the sound quality considering the lengths we audiophiles to go in regards to ensuring quality power sources, cables, and the like. Have any thoughts on that?