Speaker Cable Recommendation

I'm wondering if someone could recommend a pair of speaker cables.  I have looked at Nordost entry level, but they may be too thin for my system. Looking for cables that may add some "weight" to the following system.

Decware 300b tube amp (8watts),  Klipsch Forte IV,   Holo May Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre with 12AU7 input tubes. My room is 20X12, not treated, vaulted ceiling, fair amount of glass. Not a great room :) In the $1,000.00 range

Thanks, Mark


+1 Auditorium 23. I’m using them with several low watt tube amps including a Decware ZMA. I learned about them from watching John DeVore’s YouTube channel.

@tvrgeek, I use the 12/14&16 gauge for my basement setup, with nice results. 

My main setup, I use, Furutech OCC wire. FS-36, made a significant improvement over the Monoprice 4/12 I was using before.


I have a couple pair of the Western Electric speaker cable as well as ICs. Member here in AG who makes them does awesome work, really great member to work with, excellent communication. I’ve had them with Klipsch H 4’s, Tyler T1’s, and Volti Razz. I really like them, not thin at all, in fact quite the opposite. I find them very full and sweet. I also have Nordost and IMO, simply disappear, I haven’t found them to be thin sounding.

IC between pre-amp and mac240, and a source to Pre, excellent 


DH Labs Q10 (silver clad over copper) is what has worked best for me, with both Harbeths and Maggies.

Don’t be a stingy cheap spend about 10 grand on Kubala Sosna Temptation mid level cables. NO ENTRY LEVEL CABLES SOUND GOOD