any current integrated amps in market have great dacs?

I know built in dacs have historically have been a bit of an afterthought, currently looking at the Rotel Michi X3 series 2 as it has a nice chip set

any other integrated amps around the same price point  with a good dac built in?





Idk if this counts but Denon better avr have good dac

@katman Uh, no it doesn’t.  What you’re proposing here is a $2500 AVR over a $5800 integrated stereo amp.  No.  Just…no.  These two components are not in the same stratosphere and should never be mentioned in the same discussion.  You’re a new member and welcome!!!  But this tends to be a more serious audiophile forum and as such I’d suggest that for future responses you do a little more research to make more appropriate and useful recommendations or you won’t be taken seriously here, or worse.  Glad you’re here, but u gotta kick it up a notch to be of real help.  Hint:  recommending an AVR in the amps-preamp forum is a definite no no but could well be welcome in the Home Theater forum.  Don’t mean to be an arrogant douche but just trying to help as you go forward here.  Or maybe I’m just a douche, but I really am just trying to help here.

No, you’re just a pathetic snob hiding behind a keyboard , foolish enough to believe that putting an exotic name on a product and quadrupling its price will make it better than a cheaper identical product.

All onboard dacs are much lower quality then even a $1k Denafrips da thstis for sure,alittle bosrdlacks the isolation,linearpower supplies and low noise regulation .

youget whst you pay for ,thisis just entry level ,a $5k andup dac is considered agood starting point for a reference dac.