Understanding a bit better psycho-acoustics problems and acoustic one was very deep philosophically in meaning.. it help me to think ...
i am not gifted musically , i was thrown out of choral when i was young because of my unability to perceive tonal correctness and reproduce it ...
i now think that it is because sound for me are more a set of continuous visual meaningful abstractions than separate sounds ...I visualize symphonies for example as the Bruckner 5 th for example as an entire story , an abstract movie full of meanings , i can translate in words as a story to some degree ...
( in the 5th symphony the composer reproduce a near death experience when all his life events are recorded and lived anew but with a new meaning till the final chord of the last long fugue in the last movement , reproducing in the same order the life events lived through as emotions in the first movements.... it is for this reason for me the greatest deeper symphony ever written after the 7th of Beethoven who describe the grounded movement of any natural life seeds or animals and how by his creative potential any life break even the hardest resistance to grow in an irresistible liberating movement the symphony describe in the allegretto; for sure, there is more beautiful symphonies as the ninth of Bruckner or the sixth of Beethoven but no deeper one for me , the most tragic symphony is the Schumann 4th by Furtwangler describing exactly his mental disease , one of the deepest symphony too i ever heard especially directed by a maestro who was able to understand his meaning... Almost no other maestro could because they think that this symphony is a mere piece of music instead of a cry desesperate for help and reproducing his mental state oscillations between abyss despair and rare ectasy )... ...
Then i am deaf to separate tones even if i perceive them distinctly it is always perceived by associative differentiation not isolated ...music has no colors for me though as for each tone experience in some synesthesia ... Instead music for me is dynamical forms i see in space ...It is the reason i was in ectasy with Bach at 13 years old ... It is the more geometrically balanced composer ...At the age when others listened to the beatles i was in Bach because of that "handicap" ...
The philosophical aspects of my last decade investigation in music and acoustic had a deep impact in my worldview... Instead of thinking about music to be as said Leibnitz very astutely :
"Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting" - Gottfried Leibniz
I was sure of that all my life ...
But i changed my mind after my acoustic journey, now i know for sure that it is mathematics which is musical, a silent music , in his core not the reverse ....
Mathematic as music must be perceived and is perceived as music is in TIME RYTHMS....The great mathematician Alain Connes think so ... And my last thinker discovery think exactly that : anirban