SVS or REVEL Subwoofer

Hello all. I have a HT set up.  I use it for two channel music, multichannel music and movies/tv, in that order.

After 20 years, my Velodyne (1250  watts RMS ) sub blew yesterday and I’m looking for a suitable replacement.  I have B&W 804 speakers and a  B&W CC speaker which are driven by a Rotel Power amp, 200w x 5.

My room is 14 ft. long by 12 ft. wide.  I use Anthem’s ARC Genesis room correction software.  It works great.

My dealer carries a full line of both REL and SVS subs.  I would like to buy from him.  Looking for thoughts and recommendations from this group.  I’d like to keep the cost around $2K.


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Thanks for all your input. My local dealer has offered me a great deal on a B&W DB2D. It meshes perfectly with my B&W 804s. Way over my budget but hard to turn down, maybe.

I’d think hard about this one. A lot of people here have said two good/smaller subs are preferable to one great/bigger one, and in this case you’re looking at dropping I assume around $3k - $4k on one sub when you could have two good subs from the likes of SVS, Rhythmik, REL, etc. for about half that price. As far as meshing perfectly with your 804s, lots of subs can mesh very well with your speakers if set up properly, but one sub won’t mesh nearly as well with your room as two can and that’s not a small consideration. Personally I’d go with two good subs at considerably less or even the same cost as one B&W DB2D, but that’s me. Just my $0.02 FWIW.

I don’t own Rel, but I’ve heard them in a set up running magnepan. The dealer was running 2 t5s and the bass was awesome. Not super low into 20 hz, but unless you plan on playing pipe organ or synthesizer music, I’m finding most times my own sub, which is rated down to 12 hz, never goes that low. The stuff we feel in our chest from subs is in the 30 hz range anyway. Rel does this well, and 2 subs is better than one.

Definitely 2 REL subs.  They are not really expensive relative to your other gear.  2 subs disappear and blend much more easily than one. I own two pairs of REL subs in my 2 channel systems, Carbon Specials and Carbon Limiteds.  Listeners  don't even know where they are.

I think many of the responders didn't fully read your query.  Your room is small and stuffing in two subs is going to be challenging.  I have two SVS SB4000 in my H/T room and they sound great for H/T but it's a much larger room.  The SVS subs are nice but they are down the performance chain from your main speakers.  Trying to get two subs for your $2K budget won't work.  You will be too far down the model lineups.  I would get the single best sub you can afford (now) and put bass traps in the necessary corners.  This will likely be the best bang for the buck and should sound very good in your small room.  If you're dissatisfied, you can always add a second sub later when funds permit.  I vote for a single REL T/9x and bass traps.  Good luck and cheers.