Thanks for all your input. My local dealer has offered me a great deal on a B&W DB2D. It meshes perfectly with my B&W 804s. Way over my budget but hard to turn down, maybe.
I’d think hard about this one. A lot of people here have said two good/smaller subs are preferable to one great/bigger one, and in this case you’re looking at dropping I assume around $3k - $4k on one sub when you could have two good subs from the likes of SVS, Rhythmik, REL, etc. for about half that price. As far as meshing perfectly with your 804s, lots of subs can mesh very well with your speakers if set up properly, but one sub won’t mesh nearly as well with your room as two can and that’s not a small consideration. Personally I’d go with two good subs at considerably less or even the same cost as one B&W DB2D, but that’s me. Just my $0.02 FWIW.