Who is excited about Capital Audiofest 2023?

I find I am largely ambivalent and not sure if I will go or not.  It’s a nice event and I go most every year but looks like mostly more of the same old same old.   Are these shows really keeping up with the times? Anything really groundbreaking there to see or hear?  I wonder.   Might go tomorrow.   We will see 


Is Vanatoo there this year? Anyone looking for good sound on a thin budget should give a listen. I’ve got my Vanatoos going now that I first discovered at CAF a couple years back. Wowsa! That’s what modern technology done smartly can do that could never have happened even 10 years ago.  Giant killers!

Geez, can’t believe I forgot!  Since I’m a bit of a Triode Wire Labs fan-boy, I had to visit my friend Pete Grzybowski.  He was showing his cables with Living Voice speakers and Border Patrol amp and DAC.  This was one of my favorite rooms, showing what can be done for a reasonable price (vs. all the 6 and 7 figure systems - some of them really did sound amazing, but it would be criminal if they didn’t).

Oops!! I didn’t realize those speakers were over $40k; thought they were more like the Border Patrol stuff re price.  Regardless, very nice room!



If you take a listen to the Arion Audio Apollo 12 speakers I would like your take on them since they are a similar design to your Line Forces. I was there yesterday and listened to them. The way they are set-up you will only be able to hear their capabilities from the front row center seat IMHO.

I will pop out the decibel sound meter app on my iPhone to get a quick visual and that often helps explain differences I hear room to room quite a lot.

So the sound level is the only possible difference in sound between rooms? 🤦‍♂️😳🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I was at the show the whole day but I saw no people pulling their decibel meters out of their pockets or oscilloscopes.