help choosing a turn table

good evening,

I will be purchasing my first turn table..  it will be for a second system using a Lyngdorf TDA 1120 combined with a pair of monitor audio gold 100 speakers .  Budget is preferably < 2k and ideally < $1,500..  music to be played is likely classic rock, 80 s music, maybe some alternative.. want detailed sound that is not fatiguing .. appreciate everyone’s input thanks 


Save a few weeks more for the Technics SL1200GR2 ($2200) with starter cartridges, Nagaoka MP110, Audio Technica VM750SH, or Ortofon 2M Blue. (Black is 1210)

"Budget is preferably < 2k and ideally < $1,500.."

Don't forget a phono amp...

If you buy, or have an integrated (or preamp) with a phono stage it makes things a bit easier. The Rega Planar 3 is a good start, plus saves a bit of money for a phono stage and interconnects. 2k goes REALLY quick in a TT setup.