Have you asked yourself this question?

Lately I have thought about selling my entire analog set-up:  Turntable, phono preamp, and vinyl collection.  It's a good system, but my digital system sounds good enough that I don't listen to the analog system any more.

For purposes of illustrating my dilemma, my system is as follows:

Analog system:  Linn Sondek LP12, upgraded with Lingo II power supply, Karousel bearing, and trampolin suspension.  Loci Psionic Tonearm with practically new Clearaudio Maestro cartridge.  PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp.  Plus, about 450 records, mostly popular stuff from the late 60s, 70s and 80s.

Digital System:  Metrum Acoustics Streamer (Roon endpoint) plus Metrum Onyx DAC.

Just curious if any of you have thought about selling your entire analog rig, because you don't listen to it.  What did you finally decide? Interested in your experiences.


I just love music and if I have to do a little work and the original pressing on vinyl is better, then to me it’s worth it. 

enjoy the music and the gear in your system.

holy smoke, i agreed with jason bournes first 3 posts i didnt make it to #4 in fear of hell freezin over!



Like several of your responders, I gave up vinyl years ago and haven't missed it.  Most seem to give up vinyl for purposes of lifestyle or convenience, and particularly once digital achieved a level of SQ that is IMO as good but different from vinyl.  The Metrum stuff sounds pretty good but you are nowhere near the best of digital with your gear, it can get even better.

It all comes down to whether you have the room to fit them both. If so, keep the vinyl. I am in the same boat listening now through streaming 90% of the time. I do have over 2k vinyl and hundreds of CDs. I keep them all because they all sound equally good and I made the room for all 3 systems. Options are always nice, even if it's only 10% of the time. 

I am about to turn 75 and got back into analog about 4 years ago. I had sold my vinyl collection back in the early 90's. I thought cds were the answer. For 30 years my cd collection sat in boxes and I decided to play them again. I really do not like most of the modern music so I ventured back into vinyl. It has been a fun journey collecting what I really like to hear. I have a very nice analog setup.