matching pre for Dynaco mk4 monoblocks

Hi All,

I just purchased my first pair of monoblocks, a set of Dynaco mk4's that have been fully recapped and are running the 2x 12au7 mod, and would love thoughts on a nice preamp to match. this would be my first set of separates, I'm currently running a Jolida 202a that I want to improve on. I could spend up to 3k on a preamp, but I'm open to spending less if the right fit doesn't cost that much. I've heard with these Dynacos that a SS pre might be the right thing, but I'm open to tubes too! was thinking something modern, perhaps the Benchmark LA4, or the SPL elector, both would be attractive to me with the smaller form factor - this is for a bedroom system, driving Buchardt S400's. I'm intrigued by the Rogue RP-1, and the EAR 834L, and am curious if people think an all tube chain would be a bad thing. I'm mostly a vinyl listener, rock and jazz, and have a Linn lp12 with an Ittok and an MC cart. I have a musical surroundings phono stage I could continue to use, but if the pre had a nice MC capable stage that would be a plus. the guy I bought the Dynaco's from had suggested an old Kenwood C-1 at only 250$! thanks again for ideas here.


@glennewdick sure enough blew a transformer! have had a hell of a time getting one, finally getting one custom wound to replace it. how do I prevent this from happening again? just be accurate with the bias? 

Tubes4hifi may have parts. I dumped mine after spending more than they were worth trying to get them reliable and noise free. I’ll never buy another dynaco amp.