Nope ...
"musical" has a very precise meaning in acoustics controlled environment ... It is a psycho-acoustic concept neither purely subjective nor purely objective ...People read too many marketing reviews about gear piece not enough in acoustics science ...
Immersiveness and timbre experience are neither purely subjective neither purely objective experience ; they are acoustic induced state with the appropriate gear/room and appropriate conditions ...
By the way there is not only electrical gear specs measures, but also inner ear and HTRF measures and room dimension measures and time and timing measures , reverberation measures etc ...
All these measures dont explain hearing but without them their is no hearing standards ...Then no technology ...
A stradivarius sound the way it sound by a complex set of measures , a specific recipe the designer use... No violin designer has ever said that any violin sound as good as we subjectively decide going only with our taste ...
Everything in audio is neither objective nor subjective , everything go over physical "sound" not without it though toward meaning... It is called music or speech ...It exist in its own time domain, a non reversible non commutative time dimension ...
Musical is a qualitative term not a quantitative measure.