JBL Project K2 S9900 Speakers Anyone Know ???

I have been searching for new speakers and looking into Magico S1-S3, YG Caramel-Kipod, Sonus Faber a few uppers, Revel Ultima2, Focal Diablo Utopia and many are recommending the expensive Raidho but what about these?

Do they compete with these? Are they Audiophile type speakers per say in a 16x24 room. Do they image and get you super close to the music like these great speakers listed above. There is a pair that can be had for a decent price of bit less then 40% of their new retail price and the people that know them say they are better than all of the above and better than most everything but I have a hard believing that but I just don't know??? Are they really that good!! Anyone - please !!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Wow, talk about straying off the ranch. The K2s are a very different breed of speakers--more dynamic and vivid sounding than most modern high-end speakers. You really need to hear them for yourself. There are some listeners who will be shocked, and will never be satisfied with the bland offerings of most other speakers, while others will find the tonal colorations and lack of very deep bass unlistenable. I happen to like what these speakers offer myself and I own a horn-based system (I only briefly heard the K2s, but, as a horn system fan, I approve of what I heard).

As big as such systems can be, they do sound very good in small to medium sized rooms and are particularly good at playing at low volume. I would take the K2 over the Carmel and Magico myself, but, again, this is a matter of taste.

Really good stuff. Thanks so very much guys. Please the more the comments the better - please -

Here's the kicker - I'm in Mass and there are no dealers around that have them. I will have to pay a substantial amount for them. I mean I know they retail for over $40,000 and are of very high quality and are built to last but $16,500.00 is a lot and if I pull the trigger I will prob do it without hearing them.

I know I know every other person will tell me not to do that and I am crazy if I do for that price and I should fly to somewhere to hear them first. One of the reasons I love is audio is because I work so much and very little leisure time and in that time I really enjoy good music as does the rest of my family. I have heard the Magico and YG and like them but if there is a chance to get a much better speaker that can get me closer to music and offer a better and more robust and realistic listening experience that I may like much more than I am open to the idea. I am not worried that they are not HI-FI so to speak and JBL speakers are in Toyota Camry's which is a good point and why they are not more in the audiophile community I think and agree with that I just care how the sound in my 16x24 room a couple feet of the wall and if they are not too heavy for me to get into place...lol
Your methodology of putting together a system will make the chance of that system producing sound quality equivalent to your cash outlay exceedingly small.
Fsmithjack --

Perhaps we can get a more accurate sense of what you're after. What exactly do you mean by "getting closer to the music"? I believe I get where you're going, but this a rather subjectively suffused area, so please elaborate. Does "closer to the music" entail a more literal interpretation as in a more up-front sound, where it even becomes tactile with a clear sense of the "fabric" and texture in the music? "Robust and realistic" - as in a more dense and dynamic presentation?

What is it that the Magico's, YG's and other speakers you've heard recently lack, not to mention the speakers you're currently using? Do you attend live acoustic concerts (classical, jazz, etc.), and if so, is this the kind of sonic imprinting you're after? Have you heard a variety of horn-driven speakers using compression drivers and larger bass/mid units, and did you like some of them? What about them did you like?

Have you read any reviews of S9900's? Here's one:


Its older sibling, the S9800, is reviewed here, and will give you some idea of the sound of the S9900:


And the Everest's:



And I agree with Larryi's comments above; describing the sound the S9900 as "vivid" is a very fitting term, but also that they're very proficient at lower volumes is a trait worth mentioning. The size of your room should easily accommodate them, but I'd recommend sitting at least 10 feet away.