You may have a low quality alps volume pot ,just look it is a round silver can it is only 2 wipers with a contact spray , once it gets past a certain point it can start loosing resolution , where a resistor ladder type ,or rely much better ,also
for that speaker the Sonus Faber go down to under 3 ohms you need much more power then that ,the Klipsch are a good fit ,I rebuilt a bunch Klipsch speakers
the stock internal Xovers are very low quality ,even crites Xovers which were in it
not that great the Xover is the ♥️ of the speaker ,having owned a Audio store
and modding my own Xovers and others for years ,,if you plan on keeping the Forte
then I highly recommend doing this even theForte 4 cheap Xover parts , once upgraded sounds much more detailed and refined in another league.
the Sonus Faber too could use better Xover parts just unscrew the Bass driver , and look inside , Thst speaker needs a EL34 pentode amplifier .
please remember if pushing a speaker peaks can hit 10 x more on peaks ,that’s why it’s so e important to match the amp to the speaker .