Speaker Efficiency

   I have been listening to my Decware 300b tube amp for a few months now. At 8 watts, I have them paired with Klipsch Forte IV at 99db efficiency, and this set up has been sounding great. This morning I connected a pair of Sonus Faber Electa Amator speakers, 6ohms at 88db of efficiency. They sound fantastic, with more weight  and depth. I understand there is a huge price difference in the two speakers, but aside from that, if I am getting 80db of volume at my chair, 8' away, what is the draw back of using lower efficiency speakers with SET amps, so long as the volume is sufficient? I did notice turn the Pre amp, the tube amp and the Roon volume towards the highest setting, it starts sounding terrible....



One thing I forgot Tom mention ,on efficiency of the speaker, Klipsch forte say 99 db actually closer to94-95 db efficiency 

the Sonus Faber you say are 88 DB efficient , for every 3 db it takes 50% more to get to the same volume level  ,the Sonus Faber take over 100%  more amplifier energy to reach the same volume level. Buy a SPL meter on Amazon for maybe$30 for a decent one to know exactly the db you are using ,

then at what db when the amplifier most likely is over driving and Transformer 

saturation is causing it to distort. Either upgrade the Klipsch ,or buy a much bigger amplifier,  the Quality and size ofthe transformers means Everything 

if you want excellent quality without major league pricing, Lookup 

Radu Tarta , one ofthe best custom Amp,preamp designers in all NorthAmerica , he uses Quality like Lundahl chokes and Transformers  , in the  decware a smaller type lower quality , Radu has built several Amplifiers and  preamps for myself .

not cheap but built to last a lifetime he is the-best especially SET amps

which are 8 watts ,or a class A parallel feed using4  power tubes you can get 18 watts . All depending on your plan and budget. Much more$$ though 

for sure though the SF speakers Waay underpowered.

So much goes into the design of an amplifier.  Transformers, power supply section, parts selection, etc.  Audio Note, V-Caps, point-to-point wiring, copper chassis, etc.  Then there is the implementation to reduce the noise level.  In typically lower priced amplifiers, there are limitations based mainly on those factors.  Mid-range may sound fantastic but the overall bass and high end extension are limited.  Most people don't here the limitations until they have a direct comparison from something that is not limited in sound reproduction.  Just spend a day at a local dealer and we were discussing this within the various brands of manufacturers he offers.  Even between the lineup of some manufacturers you can hear the transformers influencing the sound and not always the more expensive unit was better.

Good into here though.


I have a 300b Amp driving my Forte and it is a great sounding combo but it will run out of steam if you push it....which I don't.   The sweet spot for those amps are a few watts, not their full rated power.   

Those same speakers will play considerably louder with my Quicksilver. Amps that are 40 watts but they lack that beautiful tone that my WE 300bs have.   

I have a pair of Sonus Faber in my bedroom powered by a 40 watt Cyrus Integrated Amp.   That Amp drives the SF easily but being 85 dB sensitive they aren't the best match.  Again, they sound great until you push them.   Those are being replaced in a few days with Omega speakers that have a sens of 94.5 dB / w and should be a better match.    

I like low power amps but it limits your choice of speakers.   A lot.   I could see where Forte and a 300b amp would not be a good match,  it's not a lot of power and could be a problem with large rooms especially if the owner likes to crank it up.  Those amp's "forte" is awesome tone, not  high volume levels.



Raise your hand if you're just repeating what a dealer told you to sell you a more powerful (and more expensive) amp?

Obviously all parts of the system chain make a difference, but few make more difference than the speakers. Especially how they interact with the room and present a soundstage.

If you love the sound of the Electa Amator speakers, I’d look to get bigger tube amp. Even if it’s PP vs SET, there are some great sounding PP examples that would drive the Amator to the desired sound level.

On a side note - Not sure if you're running a sub, but a well setup pair of smallish active subs could be a nice pairing with your speakers/system.