Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.


You are correct, sir, there are lots of "lurkers" on this forum and, you are correct again, we do read and appreciate the "wiser one's" contributions.

I consider myself mostly a lurker, but I'll take this opportunity to say Thanks to All contributors.

It’s nice to get some feedback, especially after one has put some time into a thoughtful post, but no one is required to respond, of course.  What amuses me about many OPs are the ones that ask for help, get responses, and without addressing any of them in their second post announce that they bought component X.  They must have created the thread 5 minutes before they hit buy on the purchasing site.  They probably didn’t want feedback but by creating the post hopefully created some clarity for their decision 


I agree, take no heed of the advice, just get what you had your eye on. Oh well.

Once, I think my SUT, after a short number of responses, I told everyone, "I just couldn't wait, bought it". But that was after members had taught me a great deal about SUTs in another long thread, i.e. got me ready to choose.

Searching for a long tonearm: Asked advice about the Blackbird 12.5" Russian Tonearm: I waited many months, but had to go against the advice given, I just had to. I was told by our missing Russian member Chakster: "Don't do it. The only thing Russians know how to make is weapons." 

I'm glad I risked it, turns out to be a winner. It was Chakster's warning that made me buy a 3 year Square Trade Warranty. It needed to be rewired (a design flaw since fixed), VAS re-wired it and Square Trade paid in full.

1. a quickie after asking .... 2, long delay, then against advice ... Luckily both worked out.

I think those 2 are the only ones other members might think WTF, why did he ask!


I stated on numerous occasions certain Posts made by myself are strictly for the 'OP' and the 'lookers in' from the now an the 'future'. 

I don't foresee much of what I am writing, being of a inspiration value  to the limited number who usually post, but occasionally I have a private mail session with healthy exchanges where I have prompted a response. It is nice to think that somebody has discovered info that has been of use.