I agree, take no heed of the advice, just get what you had your eye on. Oh well.
Once, I think my SUT, after a short number of responses, I told everyone, "I just couldn't wait, bought it". But that was after members had taught me a great deal about SUTs in another long thread, i.e. got me ready to choose.
Searching for a long tonearm: Asked advice about the Blackbird 12.5" Russian Tonearm: I waited many months, but had to go against the advice given, I just had to. I was told by our missing Russian member Chakster: "Don't do it. The only thing Russians know how to make is weapons."
I'm glad I risked it, turns out to be a winner. It was Chakster's warning that made me buy a 3 year Square Trade Warranty. It needed to be rewired (a design flaw since fixed), VAS re-wired it and Square Trade paid in full.
1. a quickie after asking .... 2, long delay, then against advice ... Luckily both worked out.
I think those 2 are the only ones other members might think WTF, why did he ask!