The way people toss around the word “hate” these days can often be a bit much.
A convenient way to dismiss a contrary opinion; “you’re just a hater.”
Not mature, not constructive, and probably a projection.
Audiophiles are punchlines in society.
The general perception seems to be, “socially inept, affluent, middle-aged white dudes oozing snobbery while listening to Diana Krall, Eva Cassidy, Norah Jones, and Brothers in Arms, Aja and Dark Side of the Moon for the trillionth time.”
I don’t think I’m tellin’ tales outta school with that, as far as general public perception is concerned.
Perhaps people haven’t heard high-end hear because they can’t afford it, have absolutely no reason to even consider pursuing it, and have 0 friends that have such gear.
There are lots of groups that obsess over their one little thing and don’t seem to carry the same stigma of brazen snobbery as audiophiles.
Cliches often become such for a reason.
“Audiophiles are lame, snobby jerks” is no exception.