
is Magnepan out of business??  or whats going on,  zero supply on the web site..


I called them to ask about the DWM bass panels. Front office left something to be desired, but tech services was great, twice. I bought, twice. The four DWM panels transformed my ESL system and my HT.

As for customer service, sure, anything can be improved. You just have to pay for it. I’ll take "best-in-the-business for cheap" over "second-best-plus-marketing for big bucks" any time. YMMV

PS: I've had some Magnepan in one of my systems continuously since Tympani 1A's in 1973. Fifty years of state-of-the-art which I could afford. I'll take a little inconvenience - but if you can't, there's lots of product nearly as good for 10x the price.

and if you don't have a local Magnepan dealer, call Johnny R , he's as good as it gets...

+1 Audio Connection. Bought a pair of 1.7s from John a few months back. He had to order them, and I had to wait a month for the new speakers. But then he delivered them and helped set them up. Would deal with him again.

I’m surprised they are still in business. When the 30.7’s were coming out, I called and talked to Wendell about the 30.7’s and he told me people were buying these sight unseen and he was trying the hard sell on the 30.7’s. I told him, they would have to be 2-4x better than the 20.x’s (I actually prefer the 20.1’s over the .7’s), and he told me they would be much better. I attended a tour stop for the 30.7’s and they sounded like sh$t. Even my magnapan owners were surprised they sounded this bad. There a dozens and dozens of speakers I would rather have that cost 1/10 to 1/3 the cost of the 30.7’s. Btw: I wouldn’t own the 20.1’s either but they sounded much better than the 30.x’s.