It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?



Your comment "people have the right to hate".  

Hate is nothing more than a negative response to fear, whether it's fear of someone's appearance or ideas being different (and possibly better than one's own), fear of missing out (sour grapes reaction), personal economic circumstances vs others (keeping up with the Jones as well as overly prideful), and many other countless fears ending in phobia.  People who are reasonably comfortable in their own skin are not afraid of being wrong, freely admit when they are, and learn from the experience.  




"If you don’t like $1.2M audio systems, instead of not buying it, change the system that caters to millionaires."

"Prices today are a reflection of the (passive, like you maybe?) acceptance of the grossly unequal economic structure we have in the U.S. today. It doesn’t have to be that way."

So, I am curious.  If, "it doesn’t have to be that way", then what are you suggesting people do to "change the system that caters to millionaires", other than voting with their wallets?



For me audio hobby was never about the "best" gear...

It was about the optimization of what we can afford for the sake of music ...

It was not about the wallet size but about creativity ...

It was not about "upgrades" but about the three working dimensions ways of control : mechanical,electrical and acoustical ...

I just listened to a 500,000 bucks system on youtube , very well known dude , and his room is atrocious, it is audible and clear in spite of his panels ... fatiguing system not because of the high tech gear but because he dont use the right method to make it more musical ... details are not music ... Price tag dont beat acoustics knowledge at all ...

Then listening to his system compared to mine at 700 bucks make me proud and happy ...😊 Incredible ... Because so good his system could be some big defect undetected by him even if it is evident are in my face not in his face because he look ALWAYS for more details not for acoustic musicality ...Acoustics is about musicality not details given by the gear piece he sell ...

We must quit branded name fetichism of the gear and of the tool, study acoustics which is not mere room acoustic panels ...

This hobby is about learning music and acoustic experience not about the 40 amplifiers someone could afford to try and compared ... Ridiculous obsession with no real learning ... The user manual is not acoustics book...

I learned a lot about the way to make any gear system optimally musical relatively to his level of quality/price for sure ...my gear value so good the design is are not Mile Lavigne ballpark ...( i respect him because he know a lot , it is evident when you see his dedicated acoustic room )

I was in the obligation to create a concept for audiophile because it does not existed here in this forum before i wrote it : minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold starting point which is determined by some optimal ratio between all acoustics factors implied for some gear/room/ears...This threshold passed is enough to be in sonic heaven with no frustration...Better dont means satisfying ...

Then we must learn how to work on these acoustic factors with the gear we own BEFORE any upgrade, if our gear is synergetical to begin with for sure...WE must train our ears with what we do first and last , not with what we buy ...

To do that we must identify these factors one by one in our system/room/ears and look how we can improve them one by one and all together ... Be it reverberation time, reflective ratio and location, dispersion , sound source dimension , listener location and envelopment, crosstalk, transients, dynamic, bass, pressure distribution zones, the 5 factors determining timbre , immersiveness in headphone and speakers...

Wwe must learn also how vibrations and resonance destruct the acoustic experience and how powerfully destructive is a too higher electrical noise floor of the house and of each part of the system ... We must learn about EMI and unusual device to control the room atmosphere as ionization and schumann generators...We must become creative and think ...Forgetting to be passive consumers frustrated because we could not afford a Dartzeel amplifier ... I dont need that to be proud and in a relative sonic heaven .....Trust me happiness can only be born of thinking and creativity not from money most of the times ...Money can help at best ...


Suppress big corporations ...Big finance...   Change the money concept ... Downsize democracy to human scale ...

Quit being an empire ... Quit being the best to be the less worst ... Reveal the destructive nature of transhumanism ...And reveal how science exist no more at the hand of technocratic masters ...

Read Soljenistsyn discourse after he was ousted from Soviet regime and speak to "freer" america about truth and spirit and see how his predictions about America are now fully realized for the worst ... ...He predicted the failure of Soviet regime and also the failure of America for the same reasons : lies and materialism and totalitarian ideology or totalitarian corporations ...


So, I am curious. If, "it doesn’t have to be that way", then what are you suggesting people do to "change the system that caters to millionaires", other than voting with their wallets?

Everyone has their own personality traits and these traits show in EVERYTHING they do and EVERYTHING they discuss. That being said, why are we discussing these traits as though you see them only as they relate to high-end, audio, equipment, equipment pricing, etc.? You could be talking to people about sports, medicine, legal issues, politics, etc, etc. and these same personality traits appear regardless of the topic. Part of the hobby for some people appears to be it gives them the opportunity to feel superior and try to convince the rest of us that they are.