It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


Most gear/system price bragging result from acoustics ( with an S) ignorance ...

Ask Mike Lavigne who knows something what is  the ratio cost of his dedicated room versus his gear price  and the ratio of S. Q. possible in this acoustic dedicated  room versus with these speakers or other speakers or versus different amplifiers ... The room controls is the main determinant even if all matter for sure ...



Hope you received the answers/responses related to the topic you were looking for?

Thanks to A’Gon moderators for allowing us to get a little "off topic" and keep this discussion going. Probably not going to see too many people change their opinions on the topics discussed. But, the value of the exchange of ideas and viewpoints from very smart, often humorous, and definitely unique individuals on a variety of subjects is immeasurable -- IMHO.

@waytoomuchstuff we all are sound obsessed to a point but. Some either have more resources or will take it financially further than others are willing to. Our systems and gear brings us peace and joy. Some take it too far. But too far is always open for interpretation 

I'm brand new here, so sticking my head out from around the corner on this may be a bit dangerous, but I live for danger.

I think if one perceives negativity from some folks re: this "hobby," especially younger people, the reasons may be the same as those at play now societally.

We are boomers. Everyone hates boomers, bcs everything that sucks "is our fault." We're all male, (one forum I was on had one woman), we're probably all white, we almost have to (Itals are less offensive than caps---don't be keyboard-finger-lazy.) live in $ingle-family, detached hou$ing, and we have way more discretionary income than most, and probably have had it for a long time.

Discussing any "toy" that costs thousands of dollars, seems bougie in a time when a 1950's, modest ranch is $925k and an apple costs $3. To the majority of the population, if you can't eat it, live under it, wear it, or drive it, it's completely a luxury.

We're self-indulgent (which is de rigueur w/Millennials, so I really don't understand that one). We want the best "anything" available and usually get it, and we whine a lot, or so others may think. (No, they're right, we do. "Whaaa, my brand new $12K ________ won't _________.")

Finally, there's the unrelatability of the very things that interest us. What's really a head-scratcher, is that ya gotta know what a forum like this is for, and to whom it appeals, to even visit. 

Words like, "high-end" and "audiophile," are automatically elitist to most people. That's a very bad word these days. It's a little difficult for those of us who came from nothing and aspired to become "elitist." However, that, for most of us, was a matter of striving for academic and professional achievement, not a desire to be wealthy or exclusionary. That would be silly, because I've always known I'm better than the plebes who surround me.

Of course, I'm kidding. It only chaps me when the neighbors' poor relatives park their American jalopies.in front of our property and block the passersby views of our luxo landscaping.