@elliottbnewcombjr ....hope your new valve works as well for you as my TAVR, going on 4+ years....👍 That, and my inboard pacer and defib (I skip beats occasionally.....other than my miscues here *L*. ;) ), multiple non-amusing drugs, COPD....ADD, ADHD, psychosis, neurosis, SOB-ness...
Bugs bite me....and die. COVID didn't bother...."....he'll get his, anyway..."
I'd don't winch when jabbed, fell asleep during a root canal, bruise if you look at me hard....
Spouse EV demands I don't die, or she'll kick my ass...told her to make a cast of it while there's something left to cast to...not much ever to speak of, nor hips to define where to hang ones' pants...
( My prototype QOB >Quantum Ouija Board< is operational of late..
If you think you can escape anymore, anyway....nope
Everything You Know Is Wrong.
The parallel universes? Just as FUBAR as this one.... even for the lizard people...
You heard it here, from me. Yup...I'm to blame. Feel free to, small shoulders, hits the floor anyway.... )