Dealers with excellent listening rooms?

Hi everyone,

Not looking to buy but was thinking that it has been a very long time since I heard excellent gear in an excellent room. Outside of regional shows, where do you go to hear things in a post Amazon, post covid-19 world?


Most cities have places that are sufficient to get the essence out of the equipment. In Portland Oregon it is Pearl Audio, Echo Audio and StereoTypes.

If you guys are ever in Miami, reach out to John at Audio Salon in Coral Gables. I have purchased stuff from him but I’ve sat in high end shops all over the world…. I don’t know why exactly, but his room just sounds pretty special. 

He features Gryphon, DCS, Wilson, Audio Research, McIntosh, Nagra, VAC, Joseph Audio, etc.


John the owner is a lovely guy and if you’re lucky, his dog Bernie will be in residence,

...well, it's the old "Have ears, must travel...."

and usually in the places a 'vaca' will avoid....;)

Good variable factors, E....👍

Goodwin's High End in Waltham Ma. 10 miles west of Boston. They rep some of the finest equipment available and always provide superior sounding systems.


my best to all, Jerry

@bobvin I swear I've seen that space on Miller Carbon's website ... no?

I thought it was 'photoshopped' ... Beautiful space!