Tidal or Qobuz

Many say Qobuz sounds better than Tidal, not Jay. 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viRfrUktBY - 3:58 to 6:42



I have both TIdal and Qobuz. Tidal for years with the "master" account. I kept seeing videos and people saying Qobuz sounds better, so a year ago I also signed up for Qobuz. In my experience, Qobuz is the CLEAR winner (as far as sound quality goes). I still do experiments and confirm this by playing the same song back to back- one on Tidal and next on Qobuz. Tidal has nicer features and a bigger catalog, but 90% of what I listen to is on Qobuz. I'm afraid Tidal's subscription days are numbered since I use it less and less. 

Have had Tidal for years, got Qobuz also when Neil left Tidal, he has been back on Tidal but I kept Qobuz never thought about cancelling until now. Anyway, they both sound good, I feel Tidal sounds better for most recordings on my very revealing system. 

Lumen T2 Steamer/Mac Amps 275 X 2 in parallel/Mac Pre C2600/Klipsch Forte III's 



Amazon is the company people love to hate, but the simple fact is Amazon executes really well. Their delivery service is now bigger than FedEx or UPS, and they have addressed much of their employee issues with improved working conditions, better pay and benefits, most notably daycare and education. 

All that said, their streaming service is an equal competitor to Qobuz and Tidalin both selection and SQ. Not saying it is better or worse, but certainly you can't discuss the others without including Amazon. 

I pretty much agree with most about the difference between QoBuz and Tidal with QoBuz having slightly higher quality, same recording for same recording.  Both are good sources however after extensive listening to my favorite and familiar recordings, QoBuz seems to win out...  

Both excellent.  User interfaces and auto playlist algorithms are very different.  Qobuz interface and algorithms get me further out of my comfort zone and into newer recordings and artists. Tidal, less so. I use both to keep my listening fresh.