jallan, I think I might have missed answering your post. That’s an excellent suggestion to visit Command Performance in Falls Church to listen to the Gryphon Diablo on Magico A3s. I will do it on my next trip up that way. My new house will definitely have a larger listening room so I’m thinking better speakers will be in order, if nothing more than going higher up the Magico line.
kennyc, moving up the Magico line is a possibility. I’m not familiar with YG’s so will have to look them up. I’d like to hear some other pricey speakers too and may do some traveling up to Pennsylvania to check out the Joseph Audio line there.. That’s the closest dealer for them to here in Roanoke last I looked. I’ll look into the Audionet Humbolt line you suggest as well.
marco1, I commiserate with you on how annoying constantly changing records on a turntable is. Glad someone replying here is a bit older than me. And coincidentally I just came in from my daily half mile walk, so we have something in common. Not to mention when I carried my heavy Luxman amp and Magico A3’s up a flight of stairs to my listening room a couple years ago it was a near death experience.
I don’t think I’d ever want to part with my records and CD’s though, however inconvenient they may be.
hsounds, thank you for all your suggestions. I’m adding the to the list of components to check out. Sounds like you have some nice equipment.
immatthewj, it is amazing when you hear a system like you describe. When I purchased my Dahlquist DQ10 speakers back in the seventies I went to one New York Audio Society meeting the dealer invited me to. Ill never forget the realism of the system I heard at that meeting.
I’m unfamiliar with the "SET stuff" you reference but will Google it.
12many, I will be stating from scratch room wise if I sell my home. If I don’t I’m perfectly happy with the equipment and room I’ve got.
macg19, I’ll reread laoman post. I must have misread it. I’ll look into the equipment you mention you’re using too. Thanks for the heads up.