Choosing Inexpensive Headphone Cable and Other Possible Modifications

Hi Goners,

A friend of mine agreed to build me a pair of open back headphones. He’s using the same drivers that are found in the Aurora Borealis headphones. I saw a pair that he made for himself and was fairly impressed with the tight construction, weight and comfort. He’s doing me a favor because I’m getting them made for essentially what they’ll cost in parts. The only thing that I can say about his design approach, is that he doesn’t really buy into the expensive cables and tweaks hype the same way I do. Anyway, I’m wanting to provide him with a good quality cable but I don’t want to spend more than around two hundred dollars. Unfortunately, DH Cable doesn’t make headphone cable. Also, I’m interested in any other tweaks or mods that might improve the sound quality. Thanks!


Headphone design is very complex ...

It is why we experienced so unnatural sound at any price with most headphones ...

Even my 100 bucks modified active speakers in their acoustic dedicated corner beat all Headphone i ever had save one which is the more complex headphone ever designed ...

The cable is the least important factor in headphone design by the way ...




Price depends on the type and the length, of course, but I've gotten reasonably priced, good quality Black Dragon headphone cables from Moon Audio.

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