Have I Found the Holy Grail of Audio Systems? My Surprising Discovery

I'm thrilled to share my recent achievement in audio perfection, a system that splendidly matches my personal taste and financial considerations. Like many audiophiles, my quest has been intense and thought-provoking, often leading me down paths of deep reflection and late-night musings.


This system I've curated breathes life into music. It captures the essence of live performance, making each listening session a deeply emotive experience. The way it scales instruments, aligns sonically, and delivers vocals is nothing short of mesmerizing, reminiscent of the intimate connection felt in a live audience.


My setup is modest yet formidable, holding its ground against some of the most prestigious systems I've encountered, even those with staggering price tags. The core comprises custom-built NX Studios from GR-Research, enhanced with top-notch crossovers and cabinet modifications. A special shoutout to Mike at Uilleam Audio for his expert craftsmanship and dedication to my specifications. The system also features RELs T9x subwoofers, JC1 monoblocks, a SupraTek preamp, Denafrips T-Plus 12th DAC, Lumin streamer, and Roon. Meticulous cabling by Fidelum, along with strategic use of silver and copper interconnects and power cables, further refine the experience. Power delivery is pristine, courtesy of a dedicated line through an Isotek conditioner. Simple, yet sophisticated.


I'm curious to hear from this passionate community: Have you discovered your definitive audio system? What makes it unique and how has it enriched your listening experience?


Eager to hear your stories and celebrate our shared passion for exceptional sound.



rowlocktrysail good point ,hav8ng owned a audio store and 40+ years I audio 

sometimes I get aggravated when mfg don’t go all out , that’s me being too technical at times , I have gone over to aAudiophiles house with a $250k  system 

then come back home and start analyzing my audio and  it takes the essence out of why you got into audio in the first place , That being said ,as long as you can afford to the quest for better sound is rarely over..when I had the Audio store I got spoiled with$100k systems now I enjoy trying toget close for less then half that 

and with loudspeakers many people don’t realize by putting in $2-2500  in upgrading yourLoudspeakers Xover it’s sounds at least= too adding a 50% more $$ 

expensive speaker , electronics too , even your connectors ,copper is far better sounding then brass which many companies use,even the IEC they uses $5 

why nota Furutech gold copper their cost under $20 2x+ better conductor much less resistance ,.Everything counts !!

I don’t think most here would call that setup “modest”. Congrats on making it all come together.

@rowlocktrysail  Same here. Great to also see your photos. I even left a note! Keep well.

Really enjoyed checking out your system in your profile. It's always exciting to see how others bring their audio visions to life

I do have to agree on the quality of components manufacturers use in their products. While understandable at the low end, say under $1000, there is no excuse in more expensive construction. I’ve built or ungraded amps over the years and have been amazed at what a huge difference upgrading all resistors from $0.05 per to $1 per resistor. While on paper, it’s a twenty-fold increase in cost, in practice, it increases the outlay by an additional $20-$50. For the substantive improvement in sound quality at such low additional outlay, one can only assume the manufacturer is either extremely greedy or ignorant of component quality, or both.

If that is your budget ,then enjoy it 

to some holy grail like several Audiophile friends is over $300 k 

which Is great but most any standards 

others spend over a $$ a Million 

your budget dictates many times what you can afford.