rowlocktrysail good point ,hav8ng owned a audio store and 40+ years I audio
sometimes I get aggravated when mfg don’t go all out , that’s me being too technical at times , I have gone over to aAudiophiles house with a $250k system
then come back home and start analyzing my audio and it takes the essence out of why you got into audio in the first place , That being said ,as long as you can afford to the quest for better sound is rarely over..when I had the Audio store I got spoiled with$100k systems now I enjoy trying toget close for less then half that
and with loudspeakers many people don’t realize by putting in $2-2500 in upgrading yourLoudspeakers Xover it’s sounds at least= too adding a 50% more $$
expensive speaker , electronics too , even your connectors ,copper is far better sounding then brass which many companies use,even the IEC they uses $5
why nota Furutech gold copper their cost under $20 2x+ better conductor much less resistance ,.Everything counts !!