Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?

I think we have.  I have seen many discussion on audio forums and how nasty they can become when you have people disagreeing. Seems like there are a lot more know it alls now. I been in 20 years and I can still learn.  But I also know I know quite a bit. Like cables can enhance the sound and higher end well designed gear can truly be ear candy special.  Is this just on audio forums or the internet period. 

I come here not only for learning facts about audio  7 years ago ... I came here  and i begin to love many characters here , even those who were not necessarily  loved by all and even those who argue with me sometimes in a hard way ...😁😊
I love people generally and i like to discuss...I can be hot passionate in discussion but i do not entertain grudges ...
I spoke too much about what interest me and i was used by my job to know what a student think  about any matter  .... The problem is that i am interested by too much questions  to only stay silent... I apologize for that...😊
A forum is like  life, i will not argue  about the prime numbers distribution with a policeman in real life  when taking a beer neither about acoustics mysteries  and what is a sound quality  ...Usually in my past life  i  only argued with students in any fields all my life ... ( i am used to be the only grown man  with 20 years young man in average )
Here we dont know with whom we talk ...
Then i can argue about prime number distribution  with a big policeman and  said to his face that he is wrong thinking that prime numbers are invented by mankind ... They are not, they are discovered as the galaxy was discovered not invented ... And i can argue with the same policeman here or with an engineer about ecological theory of hearing and why they exist because Hearing is not explained by Fourier maps   and we can side in opposite directions...
The big policeman  may reply  kindly or not so much with sarcasm to my opinion ... I will reply in the same tone to his opinion HERE not in front of him on a corner street 😁 ... Because we are in an anonymus forum  i talk to his brain and to his  heart not to a big policemen  body who is not in the habit to be contradicted in front of everyone by the way  ... I will contradict him anyway if i feel he is wrong HERE not on a street corner if you know what i means...
Myself i admit easily when i am wrong , and i love almost all people....Some ask for more amount of time to be loved the right way  than others for sure  ... The problem is i must felt i am wrong to admit it .... I apologize for that because it can take a long amount of discussion for me to realize that i am wrong  ....😉
I consider this forum a map of the earth, no more evil and no more good than any other forums... Perhaps better  than any other forums because i love too many  characters here to make a count ...
I even thought about those members who died or quit ....
A character is unique as a footprint, once you recognize it  and see it no more for a long time , you miss him ...

this site has become more combative and nastier than ever..though still fun and useful at times...what bothers me more, in connection to this, is all the wrong technical information presented, and the presentation of personal preference for fact, and the self appointed role of expert...I find this behind much of the combativeness...

the IGNORE skill must be cultivated and converted to mental muscle memory…but observing the village idiot / drunk / know it all / is helpful…if even just to avoid the toxic trails they leave..often in impressionable minds…..proves a valuable ocassional sample….

People in general are angrier. Remember a time when one breadwinner was enough to guarantee college for the kids, a station wagon, and a part of the American Dream? Now healthcare is 8Gs a head. Property tax is insane. Bills until you die. Exponential population growth, destruction of the woods, maddening landscaper noise in the neighborhood, and more folks on the road. Even the sky is teaming with planes. Children are shooting up schools while politicians cause division so their pals can sell more weapons. Yeah, internet rage ain’t nothing compared to all that.


oh, and this village, like any on the web and this particular universe, has more than one idiot…..

Fine doubles, fly rods, boats, wine, scotch, magnetic tape, fine hunting doubles, master ingravers, bird dogs, even deck boot discussions can get edgy….. the IGNORE feature will serve you well… its a line of code in your brain….