Those are well written eloquent thoughts and words to defend atrocious behavior. But I think society has been defending this kind of behavior for too long. Respect for others is something everyone here should know by now. We have enough people around us who lie, cheat and from all walks of life for whom are never held accountable for very bad (even criminal) behavior. Do we not draw the line somewhere? In order for any country to maintain civility, rules, norms, laws and order we must draw lines. Don’t cross them. "What happens if I do?". Well people walk away, they vote for the other guy, they walk out of the car dealership, they move out of the country they live in. The niceties of the society they lived in.... go away. Yeah, I think many us in the world are tired of lying, bullying, arrogance, cheating and rudeness...
BTW overall I agree with your comments. I just don't think any of us should excuse
butt_ole behavior.