Power strip recommendations

My Panamax power strip with surge protection quit working after about 15 years or more of use. What would you recommend for a replacement? This will be for my home theatre system (receiver, TV, BluRay, etc.). I don't need surge protection or noise filtering. Just good solid construction, tight receptacles, heavy gauge wiring.







Brick wall is a solid buy for around $300

was rated a B in stereophile for years 

Shunyata Venom PS10 power strip! It punches above itself and has its own power cable built in.


I have a couple of these for my stereo:

"Belkin Power Strip Surge Protector - 6 Rotating AC Multiple Outlets, Flat Pivot Plug - Heavy Duty Wall Outlet Extender for Home, Office, Travel, Computer Desktop & Phone Charging Brick (1,080 Joules)"

They convert a dual gang plug into a six outlet with protection.

And one of these for my AV system:

"Belkin Surge Protector Power Strip w/ 8 Rotating & 4 Standard Outlets - 8ft Sturdy Extension Cord w/ Flat Pivot Plug for Home, Office, Travel, Desktop & Charging Brick - 4320 Joules of Protection"

This one has enough outlets for all the AV gear.

Tight plugs, good construction. Good luck!

Happy listening.


One of the biggest improvements to the sound from my 2 channel system was when I removed the Panamax surge protector strip. The improvement was not subtle.

The Panamex strip that just failed was on my HT system. It was making a rattling sound like a relay was rapidly opening and closing. A swift rap on the floor and the on-off relay is working again; however I won't use this type of surge protection again. I believe the protection device is a sacrificial MOV.

My power is clean, so I don't need filtering. I'll check which of your recommendations provide surge protection without MOV.

Thanks again!
