Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?

I think we have.  I have seen many discussion on audio forums and how nasty they can become when you have people disagreeing. Seems like there are a lot more know it alls now. I been in 20 years and I can still learn.  But I also know I know quite a bit. Like cables can enhance the sound and higher end well designed gear can truly be ear candy special.  Is this just on audio forums or the internet period. 


aberyclark that is an excellent and an important point if anyone is really interested in civility. There are ways to express opinions in a nonconfrontational way. When I listen to higher end cables, I heard a difference. When I listened to higher end switches, I did not. I invested my money accordingly. That's what I heard. It doesn't mean that's what you heard. It doesn't mean that you'r equipment is better than mine and it doesn't mean that you' are smarter than me. It's just what I heard. 

with that said, I don't believe that this fellow Who doesn't see the value in high-end cables, is an existential threat to our way of life. I don't see any evidence that he is part of some "techno cult,"  seeking to do some great societal harm. it seems to me that he just doesn't believe there is any value to high-end Audio cables.  I can live with that.

For sure you are right...

I only use his attitude as an index and as a mere  symptom about a greater societal and civilization problem ...

He is only deluded by the importance of double blind test over anything else...

This means something ... I spoke about what it means not about him personaly ...

Now if you had not seen the techno cult in the last 4 years at work, you dont live awake , sorry ... 😁 It is not complotist theory, it is society tectonic plates movement in the soul ...Materialism versus spirituality... by the way i am not religious...

I know that free will exist and that human soul are grounded in infinity as all living entities...They are not finite machine ...But this question is to begin with for me a mathematical one and i cannot go further here ...

I don’t see any evidence that he is part of some "techno cult," seeking to do some great societal harm. it seems to me that he just doesn’t believe there is any value to high-end Audio cables. I can live with that.

There are people of all kinds, backgrounds. That is no excuse for abrasiveness. I have been an audio ethusanist since 1969. I got my first Pioneer 424, 10" Utah speakers, a dual turntable. I loved that system. I was a 7th grader. I wanted the Scott reciever at 35w but lawn mowing money saved could not buy it. So even back then, I could decern a quality of sound difference  Though the years I have followed audio with HI Fi magazine's dreaming what it might be like to own a Mark Levinson system. I will never have that, and happy with what I do have now. Some people are never satisfied with what they have, others are. The aspect of the excitement in the audio world by learning from others is priceless. Being old school and new it digital, several really nice people reached out to me how to connect my Shitt audio byfrost via USB to my Blusound 2I. It works beutifully. A big thank you to all of you who love audio at its finest and willing to share your experience, knowledge and systems you have experience with us. 

Followers of the Double Blind Test Dogma want to distill the depth and breadth of Dr. Toole's work down to debating cable switching, music memory, or fast switching speaker platforms.  There is so much more Toole work related to the many factors involved in sound reproduction and listening experience.  The entirety of his work paints a much more complex and nuanced picture.

Also, one must remember work done by Harman (i.e. double blind testing) involved significant business profit motive.  What sound characteristic did the general public consumer prefer?  Identify what the masses prefer and you then provide products for the masses.  DBT and other snippets from the work of Dr. Toole or Sean Olive have been adopted by a few as the gospel mantra to explain all.

Dr. Toole said it pretty well himself to summarize the complexity, nuances, and pitfalls of the musical listening experience.  "Two ears and a brain respond very differently to a complex sound field — and are much more analytical — than an omni-directional mic and analyzer."