Better desktop DAC

Hi, I am looking for a better DAC in my home office system, to replace the Topping e30ii. It must be able to playback pure / direct DSD. The sound must be clearly better. Preferably a portable DAC, not a huge box. I am streaming through an ethernet-connected laptop and experience no problems, but may consider a new streaming solution too. Total budget; low to medium. Buying used is OK, as long as the DAC can handle DSD.

Suggestions welcome!

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter

I dont know much about dac being satisfied by the two i owned...

But check my last one a very small dap i uses as a fixed battery dac  at 200 bucks which read dsd  :

I spoke with someone on DM who plans to sell his PlayBack Designs Merlot DAC. The guy at PDB, Andreas K, is considered the father of DSD. The seller is moving up the line. I think he is selling in February.

That Schitt Loki mentioned above may meet the small form factor requirement. I do now that my best DAC is from Schitt. They do know digital.


I appreciate all the suggestions, very interesting, I look at their manuals and reviews - Bifrost 2-64, exaSound, Hidizs DAP.

@soix asked about budget. Maybe max 1200 USD. Depends on the sound quality. The Topping e30ii is an over-achiever at its low price level, especially when playing direct DSD with the pc volume disabled. Yet there is a huge gap to Teac NT-505 in my main system. The Teac sounds better in most ways. I want a new DAC to sound clearly better than the one I have, with the Teac NT-505 as my reference level. Up there, or above.



One more test - what exactly am I looking for, with a better DAC? Point of interest: testing two DACs playing pure / direct / native DSD. The low priced topping e30ii and the mid-priced Teac nt-505 dac-streamer. Testing my own DSD files, in this case: Traffic: John Barleycorn must die, recorded from my original 1970 Island LP. So the two DACs get the exact same DSD input.

Result - both sound quite good. But it is only when listening to the Teac that I come fully "into it" as a listener, tapping my feet, appreciating what the band tried to do, in this innovative recording. Wow! He MUST die!

Testing some more today, Steven Wilson: What life brings, in Nightowl headphones from Teac Nt-505 in main system vs Topping e30ii in office system. Streaming from Qobuz. - No contest, Teac is better. No surprise. But it is a gradient. Not night and day difference.

Maybe my budget should be 600 usd. This is still ca four times the price of the Topping. With a clear sonic improvement. If this is too much to ask for, maybe I should wait.

My office system is my secondary system. I dont want to reinvent the whole system, invest in a streamer, power conditioner, top grade cables, better speakers, amps or whatever. I like it as a modest system, specialized to my liking (single driver speakers, OTL sound etc).

Yet I do want to consider good-sounding DACs. This is also based on my experience from developing the analog chain in my main system, starting from the source (there, the cartridge) and going from there.