Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2?

Due to a Bifrost 2 failure, I'm considering an upgrade to a non-Schiit branded DAC. What is the next step up from the Bifrost 2? I am currently using a Node2i for streaming (mostly Qobuz), a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 3, and Magnepan 1.7s. I will eventually be incorporating a Rythmik Audio F12SE. 

If you've had the Bifrost 2 and upgraded, what did you upgrade to and why? How profound was the difference? 
Schiit has always responded to my emails, and their gear has generally exceeded my expectations (sent the Aegir back as it didn't work for me)...including with my Bifrost 2. Works perfectly, sounds great. I guess they like me...they send extra stickers...

You know what... Go forth a do endless comparisons finding the perfect non Schiit DAC. Consider a replacement, Bi-frost 2 in the opposite color. My head hurts the thought of spending ions mixing DAC with headphone/speaker amps. Sure speed the speed dating process would be easier with your dedicated amp and headspeakers. Now to pay your audio specialist unlimited access to switching DAC's will be a harder sell. My head is throbbing. I'd raise my hand ask the universe to forgive my past errors. Start fresh, change color and step in Schiit again. You'll be back, whistling a new tune of your own. No one has to know... Shhh I won't say a word. Good luck with your choices. You are blessed. Hell is COVID... Yet I'm closer to everything one... Music means more to me than ever

Schiit Vai 2+ Hybrid Tube, Schiit Bi-frost 2, Dan Clark Aeon 2 Closed, Aeon Noir Closed. 10,000 plus digital, CDs (ditched speakers years ago... An official head gear Audiophile) 

-- Ronald E Smith 

OP never supplied end result of Schiit repair after being directed to correct procedure. My experience mirrors that of others posting above (excellent). Schiit received my backup Freya+ pre, three years into its 5-year warranty, on Tuesday 11/21 before Thanksgiving. They replaced transformer, fuse, tube heater resistors and I had it back Saturday 12/1 -- well under two week turnaround with an intervening holiday weekend. If there is ANY audio mfr in USA that does as well or better (Rogue? Backert?) I would like to know for future reference.

I eventually had to spam one of Jason’s live streams to get the attention I needed. Once in touch, the process worked. Since this time, I’ve replaced the CM III with a pair of Schitt Tyrs and the Freya +, modded with upgraded caps, and rolled tubes, and also upgraded the speakers to 3.7is with a Marchand LR high-pass crossover.