Weakest link in my system

Just as the title states.  What would you say the weakest link in my system is.  System includes. B&W Matrix 800 speakers.   Audio Research Ref 750s mono amps.  Audio Research Ref 6 SE pre amp. Audio Research Ref 9 cdp. McIntosh MQ 112 equalizer. Straight Wire Crescendo speaker cables tri wired. Straight wire Crescendo XLR Interconnects. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

Your preamp is fine I thought it was a sp9

Cables are very low quality vs your system ,

thatswhy the WireworldEclipse system cables would ge aBig step up ,

also you need a quality line conditioner like a AQ Niagra 5000

and Thunder power cords a Huge step up !!

@audioman58   I really do like my Straightwire Crescendos for the bass attack it has. I really didn’t think they are very low quality for my system. After all they are the top of the line from Straightwire. Also I have always been thinking of a power conditioner /  surge protector. I did a lot of reading and watching videos on utube about the AQ Niagara 5000. I really do like it but I am not sure if I should use it with my ARC Ref 750s. Even though there are 4 HC outlets. I will have to talk to ARC about that. And if I can’t use it with my amps im really not sure if it’s worth getting for just my preamp , CDP and equalizer. Also btw I do have all dedicated lines for my components. 

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IMO, the weakest link in your system is not your speakers but the source.  While AR makes very good components, the CDP and the preamp are IMO above average but not my cup of tea. In our recent experience with a REF 10 preamp, it displayed a pretty good mid-range but lacked to our ears high end refinement.  Base was nice but overall not that special compared to other components we were repairing.  BUT then again if that is the sound you are looking for, then be happy with what you have.  We do not find the AR components that open sounding, they lack 3D soundstage, smaller sound presentation, and do not provide the tone of instruments to our liking.

We are not saying that they are bad, but we have found other manufacturer components better sounding to our ears that WE prefer.  You may feel completely satisfied and that is what really matters.