I had 2 very good integrateds amps, the KRELL K-300i and the CODA CSiB, I went separates with CODA 07x + CODA #8 replacing the CSiB. I also went Benchmark LA4 + KRELL Duo 175XD replacing the KRELL K-300i. While the integrated were very good and I was more than happy with them. The separates were much better to my ears and I will not go back to an integrated.
The only time I took a penalty going separates was going from a $7k RAAL VM-1a tube amp (with preamp) to a Schitt Mjolnir preamp ($1100) and Schiit Aegir amp ($800). If the VM-1a was 100/100 the Schitt stack on my headphones was 90-95/100. Very close for a lot less money. I am listening to them as I write this and it is a killer combo.
These days when I need some audio gear I always think about checking out Schitt to see if they have a solution. It will most likely sound very good and be cost effective.