Thanks it is a pleasure to be understood ...
Just a precision the minimal acoustic satisfaction threshold exist for all speakers at any price ... Because room acoustics problems are not theoretical problems only but are related to each type and each design of speakers, nevermind the price ... The acoustic problem of a speakers/room relation is not solved the same way for all type of speakers, nor for all size, nor for all price of speakers ...
To go to the maximal acoustical satisfaction threshold , not only physical acoustics but psycho-acoustics measures are necessary and we need DSP as the BACCH filters, also we need mechanical control of vibration/resonance and we need a control over the electrical noise floor levels in the house/room/system pieces...
There is not a crowd there passed this maximal acoustical threshold of satisfaction ... It is less about cost in money than knowledge... For sure a top system cost more than mine ... Even if i am happy with the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ( the adjective "acoustical" here refer to acoustic(s) in the plural not to mere room acoustic ) .
I wish you the best for christmas and for your audio journey...
@mahgister "ENDGAME means that we are so happy passing this threshold of MINIMAL acoustic satisfaction when acoustic problems are solved..."