Opinions about Daniel Hertz

Have anyone heard Daniel Hertz’s Maria intergrated amps with Eva or Amber speakers? Stephen Huff gave them one of the best reviews ever but is it all marketing and hype? Mark Levinson claims to solve the problems of digital reproduction with his master class software which can turn any digital recording into original master tape quality.  

But ML had a questionable past such as rebranding Chinese products as his own and marking up the price. Others said he can’t design anything but hires good talent while he works on marketing. His series of business ventures and contentious business relationships would give one pause, but I only care about the sound. What do others think? Did he in fact made a revolutionary breakthrough in digital playback. Or is it all hype? Bottom line is how do his systems sound?


A Maria Amber system shows 24 000 Euro on their site

a good amount of scratch relative to what's in market at the moment

12k for an amp/dac and 12k for speakers gives you a ton of options when shopping in that space








Ugh, Ivwant to like Huff, but ever few months he talks about his end-game system ant then changes it.  He was never gonna replace his Fleetwoods, etc, then the DH stuff can’t be beat, ad nauseum.  cmon Steve, which is it?  And yes, Levinson’s Red Rose Audio was re-branded chi-fi stuff, so dh is highly suspect to me… 

You must do your own research instead of waiting for a reviewer to do it for you...

The gear price dont matter ...

Acoustics basic matter much...Why? because everybody buy with his money budget... Then the only way to have a good S.Q. is not the gear pieces you will be able to buy by itself alone , and  there is always better one anyway  ... The only way is learning how to control the mechanical, electrical, and acoustical working dimensions of the room/system/ears...BEFORE upgrading if upgrading appear necessary ...

Quit reviewers listening , or listen to them for their human side ...


Ugh, Ivwant to like Huff, but ever few months he talks about his end-game system ant then changes it. He was never gonna replace his Fleetwoods, etc, then the DH stuff can’t be beat, ad nauseum. cmon Steve, which is it? And yes, Levinson’s Red Rose Audio was re-branded chi-fi stuff, so dh is highly suspect to me…


Should I assume you watched the video from Adrian at Audio Excellence Canada?  I've always considered ML stuff quite expensive but what do I know.  Many folks swear by it.  I've considered a few used items in the past but eventually to rich for my blood.

But, if you are going by what Huff says about audio you better think twice.  Or, maybe go watch his other voodoo channel and have a listen to his 'spirit box' or whatever the heck he call sit. 


I asked Daniel Hertz and the US dealer if the Maria was similar to the PeachTree GAN1 but they did not go into much detail on that. Other than the A2D conversion for analog sources on the Maria what makes the Maria different from the GAN1. I know there are some differences but there are also similarities. These 2 amps are unique.

Since my modded GAN1 is so good, and I did not get a good understanding of how the Maria is different from the GAN1, I lost interest. I needed more power out of the GAN1 so it is now used as a headphone amp (amazing). My 2-channel speakers need more power than the GAN1 delivers.

The Maria can also use a remote control.