Going from MM to MC

I have a linn table with an akito2 arm I just replaced the preamp with a rogue rp7 and bought a pro ject phono box DS3B phono preamp.  I am also going to get new phono cable from linn with the xlr ends on it. Right now I have an adikt on my table. I want to go to MC  to get better detail and seperation. I have been researching Cartridges and have narrowed it down to 3  the linn Krystal the lyra delso or the ortofon quintet S black. My Lin repair person is trying to get me to go  with the linn but I have herd the other 2 have better sound  any advice.where to go or even a different one all together  and why thank you Michael. 


@lewm - agreed about MM cartridges; I've got a Clearaudio Charisma cart which is a $2000 MM and sounds perfect for my system; totally rocks....

Linn in the Present Market are releasing Annual Sales Figures of approx' £23 Million ( $30M).

The Company also shows a substantial amount off-set for R&D within the Brand.

Watching the Linn Space in 2024 could show a New Cart' is to be released, and with the growing trend in Vinyl Usage it could be offered in the price range of Younger users, with the intention to get them over the Linn Threshold. 

All is Conjecture on the guessed Marketing Strategy   

Weighing in here since I have a Linn LP12/Ekos/Lingo and two MC Cart’s to play with.

The Linn came with a Benz Micro wood body MC with an MR type stylus. Great combination and sounds lovely regardless of what type of music I play with. Not bad for a 33 yr. old Cart. that hasn’t been played in the last 20 yrs.

I used to have the MoFi StudioDeck with an Ortofon Quintet Black (500hrs. max.) that’d bought brand new last year. I’d sold the MoFi with it’s original Studiotracker Cart. but kept the Quintet Black w/ Shibata stylus.

Honestly, I couldn’t hear any difference between the two setups and never did a Video on a "showdown" of sorts.

I recently put away the Benz Micro & installed the Quintet Black onto the LP12. It’s actually a bit more revealing than the Benz but you’d have to listen for it. The Benz may be a tad more laid back (some call that "musical" I guess).

I’ve carefully electrosonically cleaned the stylus tip of the Benz before putting it away but not the Quintet Black since Ortofon doesn’t recommend ever using any fluid/sticky gels onto their styluses. But I’ve heard people say the opposite to me.

Vinyl Attack did an excellent review on the Cart.


Dear @rajugsw  : Good for you. Now your Ekos is way better than the OP Akito and this fact is something to take in count about.

