Happy Holidays and Your Favorite Tips?

Yes, I'm being inclusive. 

What's your favorite tip to audiophiles?  Here is mine:


If you are using a subwoofer with ported main speakers, consider plugging the ports and raising the sub crossover.  Even if you don't have a subwoofer, sometimes plugging one or the other can really reduce bloat.  It's worth listening to it since it's cheap and non destructive (assuming you don't lose your sock in the port).


...I liked @knotscott s' 'empty gift behavior mod' scenario, But...

...don't be surprised if the kids retaliate in some fashion; 'scars' of that sort can run really deep....

Just sayin'

Clear all your connectors with 99% isopropyl alcohol first including all power cords ,

then Stabilant 22 contact enhancer used by NASA and many others once applied if you don’t touch good up to 12 years I mix 60/40

For the record, this was said in jest.... 😉

For parents - Gift wrap some empty boxes and place them under the tree. Every time one of the kids acts up, grab one of the wrapped boxes and toss it in the fireplace.    😉

My tip, don't spend the majority of your free time discussing audio. It will seriously take time away from the listening part of our hobby, which I believe is how all of us got started. Like not seeing the forest for the trees.