REL owners, how many clicks on your gain and crossover

I just bought a couple rel subs and wondering where others are setting their dial. I know everyone’s room is different but just curious, if you would like to mention room size and where you place it that would be nice too.

I’m using monitors that go down to 40 or 42 in a 12x14 room and have subs right behind monitors on the inside for now, only received subs yesterday. So I’m still breaking them in, have no clue how long subs take. 

Place I bought subs advised to just run one hot wire(red) to amp yellow is not being used. Is this right am I losing gain or power by loss of yellow wires gain into sub. I’ve never used a sub for 2 channel it use to be taboo. Oh well I’m in now.


I don’t understand why it would help to know where someone else has their crossover points set on an unknown pair of speakers?


Roose, why don’t you understand rel says everyone will probably end up around 15 clicks. Why can rel claim how many clicks but I can’t ask how many clicks, makes no sense. 

I’m finding all tracks are sounding best between 2 and 3 clicks on gain which does not match rel. So I asked, what’s the big deal why take audio so serious, it’s just music.


Ive had 6 private messages telling me how many clicks they use, maybe because they don’t want to post and be judged by people like roose.

REL says to start at 15 clicks, about 10:00 , then to adjust depending on room, main speakers, and personal preference. They estimate that most will end up between 12-18 clicks depending on those variables...


“Roose, why don’t you understand rel says everyone will probably end up around 15 clicks. Why can rel claim how many clicks but I can’t ask how many clicks, makes no sense.”

REL doesn’t say that.

They suggest a starting point and attach a crossover value to that starting point. Since there’s no scale on the crossover pot people have to talk about “clicks” and not hertz. Silly REL.

But if you think about what you’re asking here the light should come on, hopefully.

What can you or anyone learn from knowing where people are setting their crossover points? You didn’t ask people to reveal what brand and model speakers they’re using, hence the number of clicks people arrive at provides no useful information for you, me, or anyone. It’s like asking people what time of day they put their garbage out.

Where you set the xo point is largely determined by the natural roll off of your main speakers, which is a function of the speaker design and how/where you have them positioned in YOUR room. And of course that includes your room dimensions, specifics about your room acoustics, etc.

So there are too many on-site variables for the “where’s your clicks” for it to provide anything meaningful to you or anyone else.

If you need help dialing in your subs and you’re wondering how to arrive at the correct crossover point then there are a few useful articles and/or videos around that are easy to find and easy to follow.
Here’s one, there are others. Good luck.


I've got a pair of Rel Ti/5's in a 11' x 13' room. I have them placed on the outside of my speakers. I'm currently running a pair of ATC SCM19v2's but occasionally swap in my Maggie .7's. 10 - 12 clicks on both the volume and crossover seem to get the job done for me.