Unfortunately I think each of us has our own set of these performance priorities that must be met before we consider something to be musical, hence as an adjective it isn’t a lot of use in relaying a performance measurement that can be understood by a community. It’s like saying “I’m pleased with it”.
We have all our own tastes order priorities born from the biases acquired or innate and from our own learning history and from our own system/room limits and knowledege ...
But it does not change the fact that "musicality" must be defined by trained musicians and acousticians working together in experiments when we learned how to control and vary all parameters in an optimal way ...
We learned this way for example how some trained musicians can beat the mathematical computed Fourier limits between time and frequencies perhaps 13 times...Because the ears brain work non linearly and in his own time domain territory trained by evolution for music and speech for social and survival reasons and by professional conscious training ...
Taste there is , but it is not about taste when we use the word "musical" ...