Cost Incurred to Achieve a Vinyl LP Replay

As a Long Term user of the Vinyl LP as a Source, as well as being one who has ventured into discovering and experiencing how fellow enthusiasts have developed their own interest in Vinyl replays. I have got to a place where limited to my experiences only, most I have encountered have over many years have been constrained in their budgets for the Ancillaries required to replay a Vinyl LP.

A few have exceeded the approx' £30K mark for a TT > Tonearm > Cartridge, and fewer from this selection are using dedicated Electronics with a Value of more than £10K to support the Source. 

My most typical experiences are of Ancillaries and Electronics used to support a Vinyl Replay with a combined cost of between approx' £6K - 16K.

I have been demo'd through being at commercial events, Ancillaries and Electronics that far exceed the above Values, but as these demo's are not from a familiar system and have been quite some time in the past these experiences have not been considered as being of importance or contributing to shaping how my present methods are I place to replay a Vinyl LP. 

What I have also become quite aware of, as a result of sharing and receiving accounts of Past Experiences, is that 'dye in the wool' Vinyl Replay Enthusiasts have been active at different levels in their trying out or introducing new ancillaries to get to a place where they are believing that most contentment can be found for their own unique preferences for a produced sonic.

My own endeavours has been to remain with a Particular ancillary and look to have it overhauled, where a modern approach is used to produce a end product that has materials and electronics selected and utilised to transform the ancillary into something that is noticeably different for the better over the original. As such methods are Bespoke, it is difficult to have the methods understood by a onlooker.

My experiences shared have introduced myself to like minded individuals in the flesh and through Global Forum communications. 

I do belive adopted methods to produce Bespoke ancillaries are capable of producing performance that will be more aligned to ancillaries costing much more if using a Branded Item is the guideline, as a selection of materials and adopted methods for these materials can be found in the more recent marketed products. . 

For myself Vinyl Replay is a method to supply a form of entertainment The use of ancillaries to create this entertainment is a must. The learning that is to be attained as a result of using the Ancillaries creates what is more aligned with being a hobby.

The question that is a vaguery, is how much monies, from a range of approx', £3K ($3.2K) - (£350K ($400K) does one feel justified in spending/believes needs to be spent, to satisfy their hobby (lessons learned) needs and need to be entertained (enjoyment of listening to music) .

It is without doubt, there will be 

 fewer reading this, that will be experienced with and able to comment on the 50K and upward ancillaries, it would be good to see what is to be shared. 



@whart, Thank You for contributing, the Thread is not produced to be about what 'one believes is the best', (way too confrontational) it is a 'good will' Theme for the Holiday Period and very much produced for the individual to express themselves about their experiences had or in planning to have.

The Thread is absolutely aligned to your comments offered, which is where you have stated, that you have arrived at a place that enables you to feel your experiences had, have enabled you to feel Vinyl being replayed at at present is  satisfying, and I hope your most satisfying to date. Maybe you feel further experiences are necessary to get to the Journey's End or is the present set up the end game?

@jpan, I am referring to the Source in a larger than usually used reference, this is due to my experiences had and discussions had with others. It is also possible to see from some of the earlier posts the overall Vinyl Replay Set Up is the consideration.

It is the the permutation of selections made, that are seemingly the X Factor for the individual, hence, nobody seems to have the identical set up. From Styli through to the Phonostage > Pre Amp umbilical, it is the overall assembly that matters for the individual. 

Through my own endeavours for making changes, I have been able to create the perception of a Sonic that has been assessed for being an attractive improvement or alternatively an unwanted addition. This has been achieved by something as simple as a Cartridge Tag Wire exchange or a Rectifier.

When addressing the overall interface, as a result of singular ancillary exchanges, the outcome for myself, has been the sum of the parts used is quite important. the The selection made for the configurations/permutations of ancillaries, are the critical choices that are able to deliver a Sonic that punches way above any expectations and are the most attractive to be in use. I have made my budget allocation known for my Vinyl Set Up and feel there is no need to reach beyond this outlay to experience something different.

I know through communications with others my own experiences have been discovered by individuals seeking out their own unique preferences for a produced sonic.

Hence my statement " Individuals who are invested into a Vinyl Replay Set Up, Inclusive of TT, Tonearm, Cartridge, Phonostage and Cables."

The Thread is about encouraging an individual to make it known where their cut off point has been or their Journey, or if the Journey is forecast to continue. The cost incurred to reach Journeys End or projected as the ballpark figure to get in reach a Journey's End.

My take on it, and one other reason for producing this Thread, is that in one interpretation of being a conventional 'Audiophile', is that the objective is to be creative and have enthusiasm for producing sonic that is of the absolute highest fidelity. Combined with marketing pressure for ancillaries woven into the fabric of this, encourages the notion that substantial expenditure is required to achieve this position of the highest levels of fidelity.

My experience with 'dyed in the wool' enthusiasts for the use of the Vinyl LP as a source, is that most individuals who have shared their own experiences are seen to be standing strong in their found place. The marketing aspect has diminished to the point it has very little through to zero influence on choices being made.

Individuals communicated with are contented with their discoveries, as well as in their expressing a constrained attitude toward how they spend on equipment to supply a form of entertainment.

@tomic601 I like yourself have been inquisitive to learn about the ambient environments influence on the quality of the sonic produced when Vinyl os being replayed.

Additionally, expressing an interest in being investigative about Mechanical and Electrical Interfaces and how these being present are able to impact on the sonic produced, I have stated this interest as being a (Hobby). It certainly extends beyond the attraction of listening to a recorded replay as a form of entertainment. 

What is the outcome, there are certainly methods adopted that have been discovered as being a widespread in use method to create an improved interface.

Extended investigations will show that methods adopted and being used across a wide range of enthusiasts, are also being utilised by Manufacturers of TT's > Tonearms > Phonostages, where Items offered can be found utilising the mathods come with substantial retail prices.

With such discoveries made, there is the underlying question, how far separated is my set up that has adopted these methods, from these expensive Branded Commercial offerings, using a similar approach for the design concept? 

As I don't compare to such items as a very expensive TT, I do not know the answer to that one?

A Certain Brand of TT that retails for approx' £20K I do know well, and can comfortably say, the expensive TT has not been standout during comparisons which are attended by a Group. The Group assessment has also strongly suggested the most expensive TT in use has not proved to be the most attractive either. 

I am a advocate of Social Activities within my HiFi experiences, and part of these experiences regularly create opportunities to encounter and compare ancillaries.

I have and will continue to compare ancillaries such as Tonearms and Phonostages and in my case Cart's as well as a evaluation undertaken by a Group of experienced users of HiFi Systems. My experiences to date, and one that has been found to be agreed on by others, is that my choices for ancillaries in use, are surpassing Branded Items encountered in relation to the attraction I seek from the usage of a ancillary.

My usage of unmodified Branded Items in my system is now limited to a CDT only.

@tomic601, In relation to your options to replay a Vinyl LP, I see that your selections made, offer many options on permutations to fulfill your unique preferences for a produced sonic.

In recent years, I have kept my experiences to change a sonic, limited to Headshell Exchange, Cart' Exchanges and using alternative Phonostages > SUT > Head Amp. It is this immediate access to making changes and ultimately a change to the sonic, that makes the use of Vinyl my main attraction over the other Source Option in the System. Your own methods to achieve a change to a sonic, are looking to be a speedier option that my own method adopted.

It is without doubt that you are experienced on discoveries of how a Modern approach and Vintage approach to a TT's design can be separated in relation to mechanical and electrical interfaces.

The (Hobby) element of your interest also stands out in the forefront. Looking at the materials selected and designs/usage of the materials put in place, what would be classed as a Vintage approach, has been met with a designated use of materials and design that takes the vintage design into a Modern/Vintage Hybrid as a conception.

I myself have found the Modern/Vintage concept to be a very satisfying experience. The knowing something quite improved is an outcome has been a stimulus to keep on with the inquisitiveness and investigative personality. Others (some very experienced) who have taken my prompts and set themselves up to accurately compare Original vs Modified can't say enough in favour of the modified version.   




I asked Chat GPT to summarize the OP in 150 words. How close did it get?

CHAT GPT: "The author, a long-term user of Vinyl LPs, reflects on the diverse budget constraints among enthusiasts for ancillaries (turntables, tonearms, cartridges) in Vinyl replay setups. While some invest over £30K in their systems, the author's typical range is £6K-16K. Noting encounters with higher-end setups at commercial events, the author emphasizes the challenge of integrating diverse ancillaries into a cohesive system. Personal endeavors involve customizing and overhauling particular ancillaries, aiming for a unique and improved sonic experience. The author believes bespoke methods can rival more expensive branded items in performance. Vinyl replay, seen as entertainment, involves a learning process akin to a hobby. The author poses the vague question of justifiable spending—ranging from £3K to £350K—to satisfy hobby and entertainment needs. The author invites those with experience in higher-budget ancillaries to share insights."

For me, and not going too crazy from a price point perspective:

Cleaning system (Kirmuss, etc.)



Tonearm lifter (Little Fwend, etc.)

Phono stage

SweetVinyl Sugar Cube

Likely $10-12k all in, with no obvious regrets. Be sure to budget adequately for a quality cleaning system; if you play vintage LPs, I’d look into ultrasonic systems. I mostly play more recent pressings and find the Oki Noki vacuum system perfect for my own needs.

With the price of some modern gear, I think most of us here could deplete our bank accounts completely. The idea is to not to. It's like looking at the beautiful woman across the room when you have an attractive wife sitting next to you. You have to know that the beautiful woman is going to cost you a lot of money and heartache. I hope you can appreciate the analogy.