"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"



Mystery  Something that is difficult or impossible to explain. backwards.

@tylermunns ,

All I did was indicate that music can be subjugated to notation. I never said it was not an art. Just like certain sports the best music comes from people with special musical brains Like Stevie Wonder or Ludwig Van. There are very few people capable of driving an F1 car at 200 MPH.  what can not be easily notated is the feeling behind the music which is what makes certain musicians better, None of this is difficult to explain, it is not a mystery or mysterious in any way. It certainly is wonderful. 

I don’t wish to be coarse, but the use of the word “mysticism” in this conversation is somewhat unfortunate in my opinion.
I provided the Oxford Languages definition of the word above, and I will leave it at that.
I am keen on discussing music, and the ways it’s power remains mysterious.
It’s great that academia may aid one’s “literacy” of music, but this literacy only gets one so far.
Bob Dylan, as his recording mate Al Kooper once said, “is a musical primitive.”
He has no formal training of any great significance in literature, either.
Yet, those songs and those lyrics exist.
We could go on and on and on with similar examples in music, let alone art as a whole (the GOAT pop group, The Beatles, a very easy one that jumps to mind, for instance).

In this conversation, I don’t see a necessity in rigid tribalism.
“Science/data!! Nothing else!!” vs. “mysticism/God!! Nothing else!!”
No thanks.
It’s far more complex than that.


@stuartk, Thank you for giving @mahgister his props! There was no need at all to delete your post:  



That is/was a blessing to @mahgister! You did/wrote nothing wrong! Thank you!