This thread reminds me of the parable of the elephant.
@stuartk, Thank you for giving @mahgister his props! There was no need at all to delete your post: +1 That is/was a blessing to @mahgister! You did/wrote nothing wrong! Thank you! |
Replacing mysteries by the word wonderful will not replace what i mean by "mystery" ... It is neither esthetically beautiful neither simple amazement; it is entering in Nature intimacy and discovering something ... Read the physicist Henri Bortoft books about Goethe method , which is Leonardo Da Vinci Method as well ...I will say more but i lack the space here ...
Mysteries are there not to be explained by words or experiments, they cannot; they are there as something to be perceived as "meanings" and they then transform the observer stance because they cannot be perceived passively by an external observer but ask to be participate ... This method of observation make Goethe able to found the physiology of colors out of the Newtonian corpuscules optics metaphysics.. Read Goethe " there is no theory behind the phenomenon , the phenomenon is the theory"... This dude dare to contradict Newton alone and win his point ...Perhaps you may learn something from him ...His I.Q. is not less than Newton...😁 He is a Natural scientist on par with Darwin, he died with one of the biggest natural specimen collections...He investigate mammals and plant morphology and found a new morphological approach...He is the greatest writer of Germany on par with Shakespeare...And understood as well as William Blake the materialism dead end in which we live today replaced by the new religion : transhumanism ...He understood it so well that it is him with his Faust gave to us the only adjective describing the transhumanist hubris at6 his roots : Faustian ... Accountant philosophy is not my philosophy, in my philosophy there is mysteries... By the way the greatest Romanian philosopher Lucian Blaga which is also the greatest Romanian writer , created a philosophy completely grounded in the concept of Mystery versus simplistic theorizing ...He is very deep, it is a pity there is no translation in english...
You are right and it is my point to quoting Goethe and mathematicians... I spoke about the spirituality not about religions, and i speak about meanings , not about mystical or materialistic ideologies ... In music i am interested by psychoacoustics and the way sound affect consciousness level of everyone monk or not ... But materialism is an ideological deception as much as religions... Anyway i dont refuse the word mysticism because in any religions the mystics are the only interesting person, they perceive before speaking ... One of the best book i read in my life was an unknown writer Alexis-Preyre, he wrote a book called in " le doute liberateur" or The freeing act of doubt" which explain the analogy of method between scepticism and the apophantic and cataphatic method of the mystics... Mystics doubt in a methodological way it is why they are not loved by Institution... Francesco D'assissi miss to be put on stake by few inches ...Mystics are potential heretics because of their real experiences and they ressemble each other , nevermind the religions .. |
I will translate the title thread to make it acceptable as a concept for some : The experience of sound impact the body-heart/mind-brain/soul-spirit different levels and layers of experience and meanings ... Calling it "mysticism" and a "mystery" is only short-hand writing for a deeper matter than imagine trivial mind ... But many are so estranged to meaningful experiences varieties they reduce all of them to only one level ... The accountants worker and consumers linear levels of thinking and understanding ... But i dont think that Bach offering his works to God as did Bruckner, Liszt or Hildegard of Bingen , or Ustad ali Akbar Khan or Sharam Nazeri think as American consumers customers or like accountants creating their musical mysteries for initiate mind or mind looking for "truth" certainly not as consumers background music so "wonderful" mijostyn and i agree it could be... ... 😁 As music cannot be really written, mathematics cannot be reduced to writing sums of computations... Mysteries are everywhere if we are able to think instead of repeating common -place opinions inspired by the materialism and nominalism popular in Anglo Saxon world especially ... Read the greatest American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce ...A polymath genius who investigate what is "meaning" and despise the nominalist habit of the mind around him ...He created a new science singlehandly ...
«We cannot begin with complete doubt» C. S. Peirce
“I hear you say: ‘All that is not /fact/ : it is poetry’. Nonsense! Bad poetry is false, I grant; but nothing is truer than true poetry. And let me tell the scientific men that the artists are much finer and more accurate observers than they are, except of the special minutiae that the scientific man is looking for.”
― “Few persons care to study logic, because everybody conceives himself to be proficient enough in the art of reasoning already. But I observe that this satisfaction is limited to one’s own ratiocination, and does not extend to that of other men.”
― The Fixation of Belief “Notwithstanding all that has been discovered since Newton’s time, his saying that we are little children picking up pretty pebbles on the beach while the whole ocean lies before us unexplored remains substantially as true as ever, and will do so though we shovel up the pebbles by steam shovels and carry them off in carloads.”
― Collected Papers “Are you sure twice two are four? Not at all. A certain percentage of the human race are insane and subject to illusions. It may be you are one of them, and that your idea that twice two is four is a lunatic notion, and your seeming recollection that other people think so, the baseless fabric of a vision.”
― “Some persons fancy that bias and counter-bias are favorable to the extraction of truth–that hot and partisan debate is the way to investigate. This is the theory of our atrocious legal procedure. But Logic puts its heel upon this suggestion. It irrefragably demonstrates that knowledge can only be furthered by the real desire for it, and that the methods of obstinacy, of authority and every mode of trying to reach a foregone conclusion, are absolutely of no value. These things are proved. The reader is at liberty to think so or not as long as the proof is not set forth, or as long as he refrains from examining it. Just so, he can preserve, if he likes, his freedom of opinion in regard to the propositions of geometry; only, in that case, if he takes a fancy to read Euclid, he will do well to skip whatever he finds with A, B, C, etc., for, if he reads attentively that disagreeable matter, the freedom of his opinion about geometry may unhappily be lost forever.”
― |