@mapman If I were you I’d strongly consider trying the Glow Audio Amp 1 with the Fritz.
This is interesting; but I not sure I want to fuss with tubes. Were you thinking the Glow Audio 1 or 2? Would five watts be enough to run the Carbons?
@donquichotte I don't know your amp...
You make some good observations. My opinion is that the Niles amp is not that good...I hadn't thought about the passive pre...maybe I should consider an integrated as space is an issue (the Don Sachs would never fit).
I was thinking maybe a Van Alstine control amplifier or give a PS Audio Stellar 300 a shot. Both are slim and would provide abundant power.
Typical problem - so many choices and I have heard but a small fraction of what is available.
@erik_squires Luxman
Can you describe the house sound for Luxman? I am also looking for an amp that would work with both Zu Soul Sixes and for Klipsch Forte iv's.
Thanks all!